£66,000 in Covid fines handed out at two London lockdown parties

Some £66,000 in fines have been handed out after two illegal coronavirus lockdown parties were busted by police in London.

Officers were called to a party of 50 people in Green Street, the West End, in the early hours of Sunday morning.

The organiser, a 29-year-old man, was reported for a £10,000 fine for breaking Covid-19 regulations.

The others at the party were issued with 50 fixed penalty notices of £800 each.

Shortly after this incident, police received a call at around 2am reporting another illegal gathering at a flat in Brooks Mews a short way away.

Another 20 people were found at the party, and they were all given £800 fines.

Police officers are currently working to discover who the organiser was.

Inspector Kevin Fagan, from the Metropolitan Police covering Westminster, said: ‘Despite recent announcements about how and when Covid restrictions may be eased, nothing has changed in terms of the regulations.

‘Illegal gatherings like this are irresponsible and put pressure on the emergency services who have do deal with the consequences of these people’s selfish actions.

‘The rules are clear, as should be the message that the police will enforce them where wilful breaches are found to have taken place.’

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