AOC is planning to stream on Twitch again

AOC is planning to stream on Twitch again

by Lily White
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AOC could be back on Twitch soon.


While America waits on the final results of the 2020 Presidential election, US Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has just answered the second most important question on our lips: Yes, she will livestream on Twitch again.

But probably once they’ve figured out this election thing, after she’s had a nap.

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“I’ll do it again soon,” she tweeted, in response to a question, “but I need a nap.” 

This week Ocasio-Cortez coasted to an easy win to earn a second term in her district in New York.

What game is she going to play next time? That’s still up for debate. On her first stream Ocasio-Cortez played current phenomenon Among Us, but she’s a keen League of Legends player, so that’s a huge possibility.

League duo bot?! Except I haven’t played in months I’m gonna be real bad. Maybe Among Us again for a bit 🤣

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) November 5, 2020

Fall Guys could potentially be another choice, given it’s also a big game of the moment. Personally, that’s the game I’d choose.

But fellow Twitch streamer Ilhan Omar, who was also re-elected, agrees with Ocasio-Cortez — first, naps are in order.

I am with Alex, we need a nap first and real nap.

— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) November 5, 2020

Ocasio-Cortez’s first stream was a dramatic success. Viewership ranged from 300,000 to 400,000 for most of the stream but peaked at 439,000 views, making it the third-highest-viewed single stream in Twitch history. The all-time record is Ninja’s, when he teamed up with Drake and Travis Scott in a game of Fortnite. 

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