In this episode of GameSpot News, we talk about Battlefield 2042 launching with no scoreboard or in-game chat, Battlefield 2042 Portal servers being reset to “combat bad behavior”, GTA Trilogy getting Pulled For PC and Sony revealing the most popular PS5 games.

DeVante Chisolm

In this video, DeVante talks about Battlefield 2042 launching with missing features like no scoreboard or in-game chat. ICE plans to add voice chat to Battlefield 2042 in an official capacity after launch, and potentially as soon as “day 25” after release, which would be sometime in December. Also the “effectiveness” of XP farming servers in Portal mode has been reduced thanks to a new update. The development team also performed a hard reset of all Portal mode servers in order to free up more servers in the mode as well.

DeVante also talks about the GTA Trilogy getting pulled from PC and the Rockstar Games Launcher going down. Because GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas were de-listed on digital stores ahead of the Definitive Edition’s release, there is currently no way to buy the games in any fashion on PC right now.

Later in the video, Sony reveals most popular PS5 games on console’s first birthday.

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