Different Types Of Hosting You Can Use Right Now

by andrews
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Hosting is basically where your website is stored so you cannot have a web presence without it. The problem is that there are different types of hosting and you should choose the one that is perfect for your needs.

There can be huge differences between hosting options when it comes to controlling, storage capacity, server speed, reliability, and technical knowledge requirements. Choosing what is good for you is all about being aware of the specifics related to these common web hosting types.

If you are in a hurry though, you might want to discuss your needs with a professional. Fortunately, all hosting companies out there have such specialists you can talk with. Just as for guidance and there will be someone happy to help you available in just a few minutes.


Shared Web Hosting

Shared web hosting is quite perfect for all sites at an entry-level. The site is basically stored on a server where several other sites are also stored. The shared hosting plan means domains actively share server resources. This includes CPU, RAM, and even actual storage.

The problem is all resources will be shared by all sites. This means costs are very low, which is exactly why the option is perfect for the site owners that are in their first development stages.

Usually, beginners find shared hosting as a very simple way of hosting websites. Regardless of being small business owners, stay-at-home mothers, or community groups, shared hosting plans will give you access to countless useful tools like WordPress hosting, email, and website builders.

Shared hosting gives you full access to a very simplistic web approach. The big problem of sharing with other website owners though is something you need to take into account. When another user on the server has a surge, it will affect all other sites. Also, if one site is infected, there is a pretty good possibility all will.


VPS (Virtual Private Server) Hosting

VPS hosting stands out as a middle ground before the dedicated server (more on that below) and the shared server. It is quite perfect for the site owners that need to get more control but simply cannot afford or do not need the dedicated server.

This hosting type is quite unique. Every website is actively hosted in a standalone space but the physical server is still shared with other users. VPS hosting gives you access to very good storage space and customization options. At the same time, it is capable of handling pretty high traffic levels. Also, you do not have to worry about usage spikes as much as with shared hosting.

Usually, VPS hosting will be used by the website owners needing dedicated hosting but who do not have the needed technical knowledge. With VPS, you get the benefits that shared hosting has and control that is more common to dedicated hosting. You can use this as an advanced user or when you have some specific needs for package installations or software.


Dedicated Server Hosting

With dedicated hosting, you get the most possible control since the entire server is basically owned by you. You rent the server from the hosting provider and just your site is stored there. You will gain full root access and administration rights. Basically, you can easily control absolutely everything, ranging from the operating system you use to security.

The only downside is that the control does come at a price. These servers do cost a lot more. In fact, this is the costliest option of all the hosting opportunities available.

Usually, you need a dedicated server when your site has a lot of traffic or you absolutely need complete control. Just take into account the fact that high technical expertise levels are needed for ongoing management and installation.


Cloud Hosting

Nowadays, cloud hosting stands out as a highly preferred option by business owners from around the world. Packages like those offered by AS400 cloud providers are built around computers that work together. Applications are run with the use of combined computing resources. Basically, there is a network that runs this hosting option. Computing resources end up being consumed just like a utility like electricity.

Users get to employ all the resources that are needed without the need to maintain or build a computing infrastructure. Resources are always spread across different servers. This reduces the possibility of having to deal with downtimes caused by server malfunctions.

With cloud hosting, everything is callable. The site is going to grow as time passes. You can easily use all the resources needed. And you pay just for what you actually use, which is quite a huge advantage.


Managed Web Hosting

Most of the hosting packages you find online these days are actually managed packages. This means the hosting company is offering technical services like software setup and hardware setup. They also handle maintenance, configuration, technical support, updating, monitoring, patching, and hardware replacements. With the use of managed web hosting, your provider is in charge of the technical side of things. Also, operating systems tend to be standardized.

You can consider different options but at the end of the day, you need to get something that is perfect for what you need. Managed web hosting is available in several plans. You get to choose the one configuration that is perfect for you and the business you are running.



The last hosting option we need to highlight is one most people do not even know about. In this case, you do not keep your servers in-house. They are placed at private data centers. Simply put, you want to co-locate equipment. You rent space in what is known as a colocation center. It is this center that offers the bandwidth, cooling system, IP address, and power the server needs. You rent out space inside cabinets and racks.

With colocation, you have direct access to high bandwidth levels, especially when compared to regular office servers. At the same time, you get to pay a lot less. However, even in this case, you need to be careful and take care of basically everything. This includes software, services, and hardware.


What Should You Choose?

As you can see, there are several different hosting packages that you can choose from these days. As already mentioned, you need to choose something that perfectly fits your exact needs. Every plan is better for some specific groups of users. As a result, you need to figure out what you need first before you actually make a final decision.

You will practically need to take into account several factors like how many resources you need, the budget you have, and how much traffic is expected. To make your choice simpler, here are some things you should know about all hosting packages presented above:

• Shared Hosting – This is by far the most cost-effective hosting option available for you when you create a website that has low traffic.
• Managed Hosting – This is perfect for non-technical users, those who would rather leave the technical aspect of hosting to the experts.
• VPS Hosting – No matter how we look at things, this is the very best option you have when your website outgrew the shared hosting package you initially bought.
• Cloud Hosting – This opportunity is the very best for the sites that grow really fast and those that need access to scalable resources.
• Dedicated Hosting – This is an expensive option that is perfect for larger websites. It is perfect when you have to be in complete control over the server.
• Colocation Hosting – One thing you might not know is that this is actually the most expensive of all the hosting options you have access to right now. You have complete control over the software and the hardware aspect of everything associated.

We need to particularly mention costs. It is very easy to be drawn in by the lowest prices. However, we are talking about your business. When you choose an incorrect hosting package, you end up with something that is not suitable for your website needs.

We should also highlight the fact that shared hosting is something most sites start with. If you choose this, make sure you monitor everything. You will eventually need to upgrade when you get more traffic. Choosing out of the other packages is not that simple but when you think about server resources, the choice will become simpler.



It is very easy to see why so many people choose the wrong hosting packages for their websites. The 6 options we presented above are those that you want to browse through. However, keep in mind that different hosting providers will use various other names in order to promote their packages. This is why you might see some different terms being used.

At the end of the day, you have to see through all the bells and whistles. Remember that your needs have priority when it comes to making the final choice. Do not choose something that is not appropriate for you. Bluntly ask the sales representative what type of hosting is promoted and get an answer with the terms we presented above.


By Andrew Simmons


Bio – Andrew Simmons is an experienced digital marketing consultant and a passionate blogger. He has a vast knowledge of search media and online advertising to promote online branding and reputation. He loves to share his industry knowledge and experience with readers.

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