Entrepreneur Success Hack: Review Goals | Aspire 109

by AVA
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Hit your Goals!� Check out my simple process for reviewing my goals to insure that I’m always on track to be successful.⚡️⚡️ It’s deceptively simple, and unbelievably powerful. �

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Entrepreneur Success Hack: Review Goals | Aspire 109

The funny thing about success hacks is that they seem simple. They appear so obevisous and mondane that they are often over looked. Which ironically makes them success hacks because they are a short cut to success that no one follows.

Today, the success hack I want to share with you deals with goals. I’m recording this vlog episode just a few days before the end of the first quarter of 2018, which means my first quarterly review is coming up. Even if you’re just a one person business, you need to treat your business and yourself as if it were bigger by doing a performance review of the last 3 months.

Key performance objectives for your employees (aka you if you’re a one person shop) should be clearly measurable and easy to track. For sales goals for instance, reviewing what you wanted to hit and what you did hit is a great way to keep yourself accountable to your goals and the success you seek (review goals and objectives).

When you review goals you set yourself up to be actionable to your actions just like a employee in your business would be accountable to you. Administrative assistant performance review goals examples, you will have no regret to get it. You wouldn’t hire someone and never review their performance so why would you never review yourself?

That is the power of taking the time to review goals. You insure that you are on track, on task, and most importantly honest with yourself on how your business is growing. Set an agenda to review goals and objectives and the manner in which you are going to measure them over the coming quarter.

Then read and review goals daily, when you start to embody your goals into a daily ritual they can take on a life of their own. You’ll be able to see opportunities pop up from places you didn’t exspect and be able to say no to the ones that don’t contribute to your goals.

You can refrence more on goals and download my personal goal setting and tracking excel sheet in the Aspire Notebook link above. It will help you review goals, set new goals, and track your progress towards achieving them.

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Disclaimer: Please note that all recommendations & links are affiliate promotions.

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