Horoscope today: What does your star sign have in store for Thursday, May 20?

Horoscope today: What does your star sign have in store for Thursday, May 20?

by ava360
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Are you ready to smash today?

Don’t worry if you’re feeling hesitant – your daily horoscope will give you some confidence for what lies ahead.

Each star sign will find their forecast for today, Thursday May 20, below.

Scorpio, you should use today to tackle a difficult situation. Now is when the answer may become clear.

And Pisces, it’s high time you stood up for yourself. Set those boundaries and stick to them.

Read on for your horoscope ahead.

For your star sign’s forecast, call…

  • Aries: 0906 474 0410
  • Taurus: 0906 474 0411
  • Gemini: 0906 474 0412
  • Cancer: 0906 474 0413
  • Leo: 0906 474 0414
  • Virgo: 0906 474 0415
  • Libra: 0906 474 0416
  • Scorpio: 0906 474 0417
  • Sagittarius: 0906 474 0418
  • Capricorn: 0906 474 0419
  • Aquarius: 0906 474 0420
  • Pisces: 0906 474 0421

Calls cost 60p per minute.


March 21 to April 20

Ready to work magic with your words? From today, it will be easier as the Sun moves into Gemini.

With this sector highlighted, you’ll be firing on all cylinders when it comes to connecting with the right people.

Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries


April 21 to May 21

The Moon and its aspects might encourage you to explore a new hobby, especially if someone you are fond of has already taken the plunge.

Even so, it may be an idea to experiment before paying out a lot of money.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Taurus


May 22 to June 21

As the Sun eases into your sign, you’ll be able to connect more deeply with your essential self.

This can be a time to celebrate the skills you’re naturally endowed with. It could also be a great affirmation of what it means to be a Gemini.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Gemini


June 22 to July 23

As the Sun eases into a quiet sector, this can be an opportunity to take stock of key aspects of your life.

Mercury and Venus might have helped you clear away emotional baggage from the past, and the Sun’s presence could amplify this process.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Cancer


July 24 to August 23

With your friendship zone highlighted in the weeks ahead, this may prompt you to reach out.

If you have discovered any groups of interest, this can be an opportunity to zero in on one or two, making a commitment to get more involved.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Leo


August 24 to September 23

You’re meant to be noticed so don’t even think of hiding your light.

Instead, make it shine even brighter. With Mercury and Venus helping, you’ll have the warmth and charm to woo all the right people and encourage their support.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo


September 24 to October 23

Keen to understand blocks in money or relationships? Key insights may have helped you make a breakthrough.

Now you might feel like aiming for the stars. You may want to seek out fresh opportunities by leaving your comfort zone.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra


October 24 to November 22

The presence of planets in a sensitive zone may have encouraged you to lift the lid on situations you would normally gloss over.

This may offer a chance to access inspiration that transforms a difficult situation.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Scorpio


November 23 to December 21

You tend to be a sociable person but this trend is emphasised further as the Sun joins Mercury and Venus in your sector of relating.

Its presence shines a light on your partnership and other connections and can see you seeking out new associations.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Sagittarius


December 22 to January 21

You may already be busy tweaking your daily routines or coming up with ways to make life easier.

Yet as the Sun moves into Gemini, you will be ready to delve into various systems and see if they might give you that extra edge.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Capricorn


January 22 to February 19

News from someone you may not see often can boost your spirits, giving the days ahead an upbeat note.

You could also strike up a new friendship with someone who shares your love of new ideas and with whom you feel a natural bond.

Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aquarius


February 20 to March 20

You may be keen to maintain firmer boundaries, especially if someone has taken you for granted.

This could also apply to a potentially frustrating issue on the home front that needs a firm stance on your behalf.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Pisces

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MORE : Your star sign’s tarotscope for May

MORE : How to do a good karma tarot reading – and what good deed your star sign should do this week

MORE : What’s your birthstone and how can you use it?

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