How to Cancel Holiday Plans Because of Coronavirus as Painlessly as Possible

How to Cancel Holiday Plans Because of Coronavirus as Painlessly as Possible

by Sue Jones
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But if you’ve tried to have this conversation before, or your main objective is to decline as painlessly as possible, then focus on what you can control. To be clear: The only thing you can control right now is yourself. So keep your RSVP self-involved. “Given the pandemic, I just don’t feel comfortable gathering like normal,” you might say. No matter what approach you take, berating people who want to see you isn’t likely to change anyone’s mind (except they might be a little less inclined to miss you).

2. Figure out the right tone before heading into the conversation.

Generally speaking, heading into a chat with an open heart and aiming to strike a polite and even tone increases the odds of having an amicable conversation. If you’re over-apologetic, folks might assume your decision is up for debate. If you’re defensive, a simple conversation might turn into a fight. With that said, the exact tone you want to strike depends on the situation, of course.

If you’re telling your parents that you’re not coming home during Hanukkah, then maybe a detached and even voice would make things worse. Maybe the best approach is to be vulnerable and openly share your fears about group gatherings right now. Ultimately, you want to think about how best to communicate with your loved ones, and head into the conversation with that in mind.

If you’re having trouble accessing a chill and compassionate tone (maybe you’re annoyed that you’re even having this conversation), remember that you’re doing yourself a kindness. Saying no “ultimately comes from a place of self-love and self-respect,” Flowers explains. You don’t need to be apologetic or combative—you’re doing what’s right for you.

3. Don’t over-explain (but repeat as much as you need to).

Have you heard the saying that “no” is a complete sentence? Even if you say a little bit more than “no,” an elaborate explanation is unnecessary. When you decline, keep it short and focused. If there are follow-up questions, you can answer them, but remember, “I don’t feel comfortable because of the pandemic” is a reasonable explanation.

If you’re dealing with someone who doesn’t always respect your boundaries, you can repeat yourself until they actually hear you, or until you decide it’s time to disengage. “Employ the broken record technique,” Flowers says. “You say the exact same statement word for word after each attempt for someone to change your mind.”

4. Don’t expect people to be happy with your decision.

“Anticipate receiving a negative reaction from the other person,” Flowers says, “especially if the other person has previously benefited from you not having boundaries.”

Even if the people in your life generally respect your boundaries, they’re allowed to be sad. Their feelings, however, don’t automatically change your decision. If someone refuses to take no for an answer or tries to pressure you, that person might be ignoring your boundaries in general, “which is helpful information to have,” Miller writes.

Whether they take your decision in stride or not, disappointing people kind of stinks. “It may be difficult to build up the courage, but you have to remind yourself how relieved you will feel afterward,” Flowers says.

5. Offer suggestions for other ways you can stay connected.

If you’re declining an invitation to family dinner or an intimate gathering, you might be able to offer solutions, Flowers explains. Maybe you hop on Zoom during the party, or maybe you meet up for a chilly autumn socially distanced walk separately, so that you’re able to spend time together without compromising your boundaries.

This could also be an opportunity to create new holiday rituals. Send your favorite transportable dessert to someone you love through the mail. Or create a virtual hangout that becomes a new tradition (Christmas breakfast via Zoom, anyone?).

6. Come up with a plan for FOMO and other emotions.

Even if you feel confident about saying no, you might have mixed feelings. If you’re opting out of a holiday dinner or a party, you should plan for emotions like loneliness, sadness, grief, or FOMO. When discussing loneliness, SELF previously reported that you should prepare for the emotional fallout before you experience it. Maybe you can plan a holiday recipe swap or send presents to friends ahead of time. Whatever you decide, finding small things to control and little moments to anticipate can help soften the sting of skipping festivities this year.

Consider rewarding yourself for making this difficult choice. “Setting boundaries is a reflection of you being able to prioritize what is important in your life,” Flowers says. “Plan to do something nice for yourself after you have set a boundary to remind yourself that you are worthy and deserving of respect from others.”


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