Managers – Why Managers Should Work on People Skills

by Lily White
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Working on people skills is critical, especially for those charged with directing others. In short, your competence or lack thereof could sink the ship along with your career. So, if you’re currently a manager or striving to take the lead, take heed. Social skills have a multi-dimensional effect, and you cannot afford to take them for granted. This article presents six areas of impact.

People skills impact:

  1. Relationships

Communicative skills impact relationships, and the quality of the relationship affects the success or failure of the organization. At one point or another, everyone has endured a lackluster manager with poor people skills. You cringe in their presence and can’t wait to make the great escape. For example, former co-workers would walk down six flights of stairs to avoid the manager rather than wait for the elevator; we became accustomed to the sound of her walk.

  1. Communication

When managers are cold and unfriendly, they repulse others. Think of managers you know who drive people away. They talk a certain way, think a certain way, and behave a certain way. Unfortunately, the negative overrules the positive. Their presence is like a dark cloud that hovers, sucking the energy out of anything in its path. As a result, people run for cover and resist any form of contact. When having contact is unavoidable (like annual reviews, meetings, etc.) you dread it like the plague. To say that those moments are tough is an understatement. Yet, communication is at the root of any relationship.

  1. Performance

The inability to be flexible has the potential to impact the manager’s performance as well as his or her subordinates. Managers need to be skilled in bringing out the best in others. A manager who adapts easily brings out the best in others and knows how to stir the troops. Rolling up sleeves and jumping in to achieve a goal is second nature.

  1. Success

Great leaders develop their human relations skills. Simply put, it contributes to their upward mobility. How far can you go without this competency?

  1. Morale

One dimension of good interpersonal skills is motivating and encouraging others. Even top talent needs encouragement from time to time. Success is a journey – not a one-time event. You’re only as good as your last accomplishment. Managers with good people skills, nevertheless, find a way to push the achievers to the next level.

  1. Image

Lastly, when you’re less than adequate in this area, your image suffers. Whether you know it or not, people tend to view you unfavorably. At length, staff go beyond trying to avoid you; consequently, you become the brunt of jokes. Don’t allow your professional image to be impaired. Commit to developing this vital aptitude.



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