McAvoy Leads Real Time Improvised Thriller

McAvoy Leads Real Time Improvised Thriller

by Sue Jones
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mcavoy posts photos from it sequel set

STXfilms has taken the North American and foreign rights to “My Son,” an English-language adaptation of the 2017 French real time thriller “Mon Garcon” to be directed by Christian Carion.

Guillaume Canet starred in the original as a father whose son goes missing, leading him to travel to the town where his ex-wife lives in search of answers to the mystery. James McAvoy will play the father and Claire Foy the ex-wife in the new take.

The twist of the film is in the making. Like the original, McAvoy will not be given a script or dialogue ahead of time. Instead, he will improvise on set as each scene unfolds. The rest of the cast and crew will be made aware of the scenes.

Adam Fogelson, chairman of the STXfilms Motion Picture Group says: “James will be doing the detective work of the film in real time, on camera, to create real tension for this thriller. We like to support bold and innovative storytelling like My Son.”

Source: THR

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