Medical News The US is making digital camouflage so that AIs can’t spot spy planes

Medical News The US is making digital camouflage so that AIs can’t spot spy planes

by Emily Smith
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Medical News


22 June 2019

Digital camouflage could stop AIs from seeing military helicoptersBouton Pierre/EyeEm/Getty
By David HamblingDigital camouflage could make tanks look like cows or turn aircraft into clouds – but only if the observer is a computer.
Artificially intelligent systems that recognise objects automatically have an Achilles heel. Slightly tweaked images, called adversarial examples, can fool them into misidentifying an object in ways absurd to humans. These adversarial examples include a plastic turtle which AIs mistake for a rifle and spectacle frames which baffle facial recognition software into misidentifying the wearer as someone else.
Now the US Navy’s Office of …

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