Mod of the Month March 2021 in Association with Corsair

Mod of the Month March 2021 in Association with Corsair

by Emily Smith
0 comments 130 views

It seems that already 2021 is beginning to flex its contrast with 2020. This time last year we were struggling to fill up Mod of the Month due to the global lockdowns, this year we’ve instead been inundated with a host of fantastic projects! Folks have been beavering away crafting some truly exceptional mods, in particular it appears that scratch builds are the in thing, we’ve actually had more of those completed recently than casemods. There are some fantastic techniques on show this month, with everything from scroll saw work to cnc milling, 3D printing and airbrushing on display. We picked six from the pack, who was your favourite?

Entering Mod of the Month is very easy. All you need to do to enter Mod of the Month is to make sure you add the ‘Complete’ prefix to your build log. You can find out more here.

We feature hundreds of mods every year in our project logs section and forums, where you’ll find all things custom, water-cooled, and generally awesome as well as modding news and features.

Corsair is our sponsor for our monthly modding competitions, and they’ve kindly stumped up some rather impressive Hydro X watercooling kit for coming first, second or third place. In the event of a tie, the winner will be decided internally.

As per the rules, if you place first in a Mod of the Month, then in any future Mod of the Months (or Modding Updates) you get into that year, you won’t be eligible for prizes. You can still be picked and win, but it will be honorific instead. 

We regret that Corsair’s worldwide coverage with shipping no longer includes South America or Africa due to continuing issues with shipping to these locations. This is beyond our control, so we sincerely apologise to anyone in these areas, as we’ll be unable to honour their prizes for the foreseeable future.

83db9dfd fc98 4cdb aae8 671066537898

First Place:

Choice of CPU Block

Choice of GPU Block

XD5 Pump Reservoir Combo

Commander Pro Fan/RGB Controller 

35a7e8fa 63fc 42b2 9dfc 7de4f9eac759

Second Place

Choice of CPU Block
Choice of GPU Block

1f523fd1 e32a 4460 8b53 7d93d3fdbdb0

Third Place: 

Choice of CPU Block

de60de85 6496 46c1 950f d606efddb600

Last month’s winner was Yaiba Kusanagi by pccustom followed by +1 Hacking Skill Required by ivory2k19 in second and then Watercooled PS5 by Nhenhopach in third place. Congratulations! I will be in contact with you folks soon.

A huge thanks to Corsair for stumping up some great prizes again this month. Don’t forget that you can vote for more than one project if you’re finding it tough to choose one over the others. MotM is a competition for completed projects. You should consider originality, execution, and show of skill when voting.

SF1S by Samamba

6e1e4129 6df0 4de4 89a8 20e08c279537

Hyper Case DM-01 by Defyant Mods

61edb654 7908 4331 a990 1b3db566ff18

Cryo PC by Datulab

fd99393d 72e5 4f46 9b36 c6818ced03c6

Tilia by Age

a04fb22c 61e3 4bb3 9280 d03925dd9cdf

Batman the Dark Knight by TodMod

d27f92b0 7a13 4cd5 b3f0 b50bb885846f

ATAACS by dan297

11172802 ba07 46a4 aa61 21d55a5c00a2

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