7 Ways to Prep Your Pet and Home to Ensure Longevity

by Lily White
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Pets have a tendency of giving us a sort of “silent treatment” when it comes to health conditions. Simply said, they are mentally incapable of telling us when they are feeling ill or when they have an ache or pain that needs to be addressed. Therefore, it is up to us to take preventive measures to ensure that our pets live a long and healthy life. When it comes to accomplishing this, there are several things you can do with your pet and home to ensure that your companion maintains their well-being.


1) Bi-Annual Exam

Just like how humans get a once a year check-up with their primary care physician, it’s highly recommended that you subjugate your pet to what’s known as a “bi-annual exam” from the veterinarian. During this exam, the vet will evaluate your pet’s health from their paws to their ears. Some of the areas they check include their mouth, skin, fecal health, liver/kidney function, heart, and urine. By partaking in bi-annual exams, it can help to detect illnesses before they become a major issue further down the line.


2) Good Oral Hygiene Practices

Statistics gathered from the American Veterinary Dental Society demonstrate that as much as 80% of all cats and dogs within America suffer from oral diseases such as oral melanoma and gum disease. While it may not seem important at first glance, statistics indicate that by improving your pet’s dental health via the utilization of toothbrushes and dental treats, it can extend their lives by as much as two years.


3) Encourage Exercise

Statistics gathered from Purina showed that as much as 58% of pets are overweight. In fact, it is regarded as being one of the French bulldog health problems. Similar to humans, obesity in pets can lead to the manifestation of several illnesses such as cancer, shorter life expectancies, and heart disease. Therefore, experts recommend that pets such as dogs should go for a daily walk at least two times per day for no less than 20 minutes each session.

4) Parasite Mitigation

Parasite mitigation is crucial to ensuring your pets live a long and healthy life. Parasites such as heartworms, ticks, intestinal parasites, and fleas can cause excruciating pain and lead to the manifestation of life-threatening illnesses. Therefore be on the lookout for signs that your pet may have a parasite such as constant scratching, aggressiveness, or lethargy.


5) Prep Your Home For New Arrivals

The truth is that every pet will react differently when you bring them into a new environment for the first time. As such, it’s natural for your pet to wander around and get itself into trouble such as consuming dangerous things that it shouldn’t. Ideally, when it comes to bringing in a new pet to your home, you should practice your due diligence to ensure that your home itself is pet-friendly, similar to how you would block power outlets from the prying hands of children for instance. Some of the things you can do include:

  • Taping electrical cords to baseboards
  • Relocating chemicals to high shelves
  • Remove small chokable objects
  • Keep the garbage can outside when you’re not at home


6) Establish a Specific Potty Place

Animal feces are filled with bacteria and other dangerous organisms. Pets are unaware of the dangers associated with interacting with the feces of other pets in the household as well as their own. In fact, if you have a cat and a dog, you may have already noticed that you have to struggle to keep your dog from the cat’s litter box as they view it as food. Therefore you need to ensure that you establish a poop area where your pet will relieve itself whether that may be on a mat in a specific room or a section in the yard.


7) Buy Toys

For many pets, toys are an absolute necessity. It may not seem important at first glance, but chances are that your pet will not be as active as it needs to be if you keep it in the house 24/7 without any form of toys. By having toys, it keeps them from getting bored which can lead to depression and anxiety. In addition to that, it can help to keep them active. The key thing to remember is that you should shy away from making homemade toys and purchase toys that are specifically designed for your type of pet.


By Jamie Roberts

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