8 Things You Should Know About Before Planning 2018

by Lily White
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Here is a list of books, ideas and concepts that I have found profoundly interesting and important this year. I’m so grateful that I have discovered them or been introduced to them by others. I want you to have the benefit of knowing they exist, whether for now or in the future.

My experience has been that certain teachers and teachings come along right at the time they are most needed. So, check these out and store them in your memory bank for a time when it might be exactly what you need.

1. Ho’Oponopono – This ancient Hawaiian practice has been of interest to me for years. I’ve used it in the past and recently had the honor of introducing Dame Mabel Katz (peace prize recipient and author of “The Easiest Way to Live”) at a speaking event.

She is an expert on the subject, speaking globally on this powerful method of “cleaning errors” and taking 100% responsibility for addressing the disharmony in your life. The idea is that “cleaning” our own thoughts, that have been passed down through generations, will affect our happiness and the collective thinking in the world.

This very simple process requires that you only repeat certain statements that are universally understood and respected (such as: “thank you, I love you, I’m sorry and I forgive you”) The result of practicing ho’oponopono is to improve our own sense of peace and that of others, with no action on their part at all.

2. What a Focus on Giving Can Do – I was given the book The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann by my mentor in August. I finally read it on a plane last week. I read it in two hours and I’m one of the world’s slowest readers, so it takes no time to read. This is a fun and truly unique business read.

The Go-Giver tells the story of an ambitious young man named Joe who yearns for success. Joe is a true go-getter, though sometimes he feels as if the harder and faster he works, the further away his goals seem to be. And so one day, desperate to land a key sale at the end of a bad quarter, he seeks advice from the enigmatic Pindar, a legendary consultant referred to by his many devotees simply as the Chairman.”

“Pindar’s friends share with Joe the Five Laws of Stratospheric Success and teach him how to open himself up to the power of giving.”

The ideas in this book are taught in companies around the world and will change the way you think and operate.

3. Your Hidden Money Archetypes – Are you aware that you have unconscious money beliefs that are driving your decision making? This is one of the most important discoveries I have made in recent years. I wish I’d known about it sooner. These beliefs and related behavior patterns can be explained through archetypes (models of thinking and behavior).

Once you understand and gain awareness of your “money personality” as explained through your archetypes, you will be empowered with information that allows you to make better and more conscious choices in all your interactions with money. This is how you begin to create a better relationship with money. This is my specialty, and I would love to discuss it with you further if you have concerns in this area.

4. How to Really Think Big – Do you feel that you already think big? My guess is that you are still capping your sense of possibility in some areas. The book The Big Leap – Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level by Gay Hendricks PhD, clarifies the discussion of how we get in our own way of living a happier and more abundant life.

He explains beautifully the psychology behind our general discomfort with the idea that we can be happy and prosperous for extended periods, or even indefinitely. He masterfully shows us how we sabotage ourselves so we can stay in the comfort zone of drama and difficulties, and why we would do such a thing. From there, he helps us understand what is possible. This is truly necessary reading if you want to learn how to think bigger for yourself and those you love.

5. The Power of Intentions – I’m constantly talking about this, I know. It’s the catalyst of all catalysts though. It’s worth repeating. Setting intention is like flipping the switch in your brain, allowing you to focus on something specific (not easy when the brain is bombarded with messaging every moment) and alert the universe that the light’s on. This is the signal, the message, the prayer that will be heard by whatever the “source” is for you. Once the intention is set, all wheels start turning, moving you toward the desired outcome.

Use this for the big goals and before a simple meeting. Use it in every area of life. Setting an intention reinforces a decision. Decisions are critical. From the decision point, you can create the mindset and actions to move forward on the intention. You will be shocked what transpires.

6. PLAN to Maintain Your Connections – Do you go out in the world and meet people? Are those connections valuable to you? What do you do to keep the connection going? As much as we network and engage clients and customers, what follows those interactions is key, and sometimes left to chance.

We tend to feel that the initial meeting or work together is the significant point. While important, it’s the long term that matters more. Relationships take effort to cultivate and grow. If you have a process and a plan to follow up and continually connect with people, you will develop a powerful network that you enjoy, and with whom there is a long term relationship.

7. A Technique For Deciding Between Two Choices – When difficult decisions present themselves, you can do a pros and cons list, but frankly, I’ve never found answers doing that.

The “Cartesian Coordinates” process (from Career Coaching: An Insider’s Guide by Marcia Bench) proposes asking 4 questions to make sure every angle is addressed in an important decision between two choices. This prevents unanticipated consequences from occurring once a decision is made. For example, perhaps you are trying to decide whether to leave your corporate position and move into entrepreneurship. It’s a difficult decision. To fully analyze it, ask these questions:

  1. What would happen if you did? (i.e. what would happen if you left your job)?
  2. What wouldn’t happen if you did? (i.e. what would you miss out on if you left now)?
  3. What would happen if you didn’t? (i.e. what would the benefits by of staying)?
  4. What wouldn’t happen if you didn’t? (i.e. what opportunities would you miss out on by staying)?

8. Plan So Your Days Have Direction – You might have a great vision and mission statement for the year ahead. You might be able to picture the outcomes and results at the end of the year. You might visualize a bank account balance next December with a big grin.

However, without specificity on how you will achieve the vision or the revenue, it’s a hope and not a strategy. Make sure there are particular targets to reach each month and that those targets can result in the revenue generation necessary. An ideal plan gives you a roadmap and the information you need to direct each day. If you wake up and don’t know what to work on in your business or career search, your plan could be more detailed.

Plan to produce, not just for fun.

Well, those are some ideas to tuck away and use now, or at some point when you realize you need them. Resources give me a sense of comfort and these are favorites.


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