Boston Dynamics’ robots can now dance better than you

Boston Dynamics’ robots can now dance better than you

by Lily White
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I love this and I’m terrified


boston dynamics robot dance scaled

Every few months, Boston Dynamics shares a clip of what it’s working on, and its latest video is arguably the company’s best yet.

The robot is dancing in a very humanoid way this time, taking things a step further from when was last saw the Atlas robot running and jumping around like a gymnastics prodigy toddler. 

As the video unfolds, it’s unclear if the Boston Dynamics team is showing off the impressive robot tech or a new lens/gimbal that they got for Christmas. That said, this a way better Boston Dynamics video than the existing Spot ads from earlier this year.

I don’t want to spoil the video because it really is quite amazing and truly pops off around the 50-second mark. In case you’re wondering where this little robot came from, below is another video of it in action from four years ago.

Now, let’s talk about how amazing the dancing video is. When the single Atlas is dancing, it looks pretty incredible, but once it gets joined by a second robot dancing in tandem, it gets to the next level.

The video isn’t a replica of the original Do You Love Me video by The Contours, but it uses some of the same dance moves, and I think it even takes things a step further by adding all the running and jumping.

Overall, I’m excited to see what Boston Dynamics does next, even if it means we’re one step closer to a race of terminator-style robots taking over the earth.

Source: Boston Dynamics 

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