Business Communication – Internal and External

by Lily White
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Well, communication is one of the main activities on which all businesses and personal relations are dependent. In a couple of articles here we will establish the proper and reliable methods of communication both on an official level and also on a personal level. Remember all relationships that gets born, grows and ultimately dies are dependent on communication or an absence of it. Thus proper communication between partners and business entities would help to not only create and develop a relationship, but also to bore fruits from the development for long term goals.

Identifying communication techniques on two levels: Business and Personal helps us perpetuate the benefits and understand the inter dependencies.

Communication Basics and Modes:

In a business environment, there are two basic levels of communication: Internal and External. Internal Communication refers to the communication happening internally within an organization. This basically means the way, practices and processes of communication between employees and business stakeholders. External Communication includes the communications to and from customers and business partners, which may include suppliers and vendors, consultants, professionals and support systems etc. In both these cases, the medium of communication can be:

1. Face to Face: Both planned and incidental

2. Telephone

3. Written or Email

A break down in any one of these channels of communication can lead to a much bigger impact on the employee relations as well as on the business objective or credibility for the organization as a whole

Here we will review the different aspects of all the above mentioned three mediums of communication for both the internal and the external levels in my subsequent posts..


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