Can I receive financial support for self-isolating?

Can I receive financial support for self-isolating?

by ava360
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People will be required by law to self-isolate from September 28 when contacted by the Test and Trace team, and new fines for those breaking self-isolation rules will start at £1,000.

These fines could increase to up to £10,000 for repeat offenses and if you have prevented others from adhering to their own self-isolation rules too, including if an employer is potentially encouraging their staff to choose work over self-isolation.

With these strict fines coming into effect, people who perhaps have had to choose between self-isolating or working when their livelihood depends on it face a difficult time if they can’t get financial aid.

Will there be financial support for people in quarantine?


What financial support can I get if I’m self-isolating?

Details of a new support package for certain people in self-isolation was published by the government on September 20.

With people required to self-isolate, there will be a new support payment of £500 for those on lower incomes who cannot work from home and have lost income as a result.

The advice on reads: ‘Recognising that self-isolation is one of the most powerful tools for controlling the transmission of Covid-19, this new Test and Trace Support payment of £500 will ensure that those on low incomes are able to self-isolate without worry about their finances.

Just under four million people who are in receipt of benefits in England will be eligible for this payment, which will be available to those who are required to self-isolate from September 28.’

Local Authorities are expected to set up these self-isolation support schemes by October 12.

Those who start to self-isolate from September 28 will receive backdated payments once the scheme is set up in their Local Authority.

You’ll be able to apply through your local council, online or by phone but the scheme has not been set up yet.

More details on how to apply should be ready once it’s up and running.



Who is eligible for the Test and Trace Support payment?

You must meet all four of the following criteria to receive the payment.

  • You are currently receiving Universal Credit, Working Tax Credit, income-based Employment and Support Allowance, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Income Support, Housing Benefit and/or Pension Credit
  • You are employed or self-employed
  • You are unable to work from home and will lose income as a result
  • You have been told to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace – either for 10 days because you’ve tested positive, or for 14 days because they’ve tested positive or are the close contact of a positive case.

If you are self-isolating because you have displayed symptoms but you haven’t had a positive test result nor have you been told to isolate by the NHS Test and Trace app, you won’t receive the payment.


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