The very funny weather app Carrot just got a great update on iOS that lets users film themselves in a faux weather report and also shows the likely hood of dying in extreme heat.
The app shows this gruelling statistic which is called a wet-bulb temperature in its ‘cards’ section. This is the measure of what the temperature is when the thermometer is covered by a wet cloth. When this temperature gets above 30-degrees Celsius it can kill humans.
The other updates are less depressing and include new layouts that can adapt depending on what weather information might be most relevant to users. This means if you look at the app when it’s raining it should tell you more information about how much precipitation to expect when it might end.
You can also share little premade cards with the weather or make fun do-it-yourself weather reports. These are smart features for the app and could help it grow through word of mouth.
This new carrot weather feature gives you a weather report script to share and I think it’s hilarious.
— Brad News Energy (@TheBradFad) July 22, 2021
Carrot has been my favourite weather app for years and these new features just make me love it more. What I will say is that the app is currently using Dark Sky for its weather data, but that API runs out in 2022 now that Apple owns it. Hopefully, the app will be able to keep up with its very accurate weather data after that.