Click on High Tech Dentistry-It’s Not a Drag and Drop Experience!


Cool new technology is changing the dreaded experience of going to the dentist. Why do dentists have such a bad reputation? Long waits, painful shots, loud drills, no distractions, no sedatives, and unavailable doctors leave the experience with something to be desired. So what’s new?

Realistic scheduling is the simple solution to running on time and a lot of offices make this a priority. Over booking is just as disastrous to service in dental offices as it is to service on airlines.

Completely comfortable numbing has arrived. Dentists have borrowed topical creams from the dermatologists that completely numb the gums before the “Novocain” is given. Then instead of intimidating syringes and needles, The Wand or Compudent is used to painlessly deliver the anesthetic. Incredible new anesthetics such as Septocaine ensure that teeth are profoundly numb during the procedures.

Quiet, electric powered drills are rapidly gaining in popularity over the loud, high pitched whine of the air driven high-speed drill. In certain instances, lasers and particle beams can be used instead of any drill at all.

Staring at the ceiling used to be the most exciting distraction at the dentist. Now, many dental offices offer virtual reality video glasses so that patients can watch movies and other entertainment on what seems like a 65-inch big-screen television. It is not uncommon for patients to be laughing at a comedy while they are getting an injection.

Some of the most minor medical procedures are done with IV sedation. Until recently, even the most major dental reconstruction was done with just Novocain. Now, many dentists are trained in oral conscious sedation. By taking a safe, common sleeping pill one hour before an appointment, nearly any dental procedure can be done with the patient dozing on and off. Novocain is still used with the sleeping pill to make the experience completely painless and patients remember little or nothing about the procedure.

Dentists used to make it very difficult for their patients to reach them after hours. Answering services acted as gatekeepers protecting dentists from their patients. Now many dentists are giving out their cell phone numbers, knowing that most patients will not bother the doctor except in the event of a genuine emergency.

Many more advances are on the horizon to make going to the dentist something to smile about.



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