Communicating in a Simple Language

by Lily White
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The secret to effective communication in the workplace is to use simple language. Regardless of whether you are communicating through email, presentations or reports, your message should be direct and easy to understand. Most often people complain of miscommunication or the lack of communication in the workplace.

This could be in the form of a badly written email, an unsuccessful sales pitch or a report that does not convey the required information. The primary reason for this is that most of our communication is heavily veiled in complex language. We often make the mistake of using technical words and phrases to communicate with people who are not expected to understand their meaning.

Sometimes, the message may be so long and rambling that the meaning may get lost somewhere along the way. The answer to communicating better is to use simple language. The chances of getting the wrong message across get minimized when your language is direct and straightforward. People usually try to communicate a technical topic through technical jargon. On the contrary, the same message is more likely to be clearly understood when explained in simple everyday language.

When you buy an appliance at a store, the sales person is most likely to explain the features and the working to you in a way that you can understand clearly. Now imagine if they had tried using technical terms and words to communicate the same piece of information. The chances of you buying the appliance are greater in the first instance when you did not have to try hard to decipher what the sales person was saying.

Just because you are used to certain terms and phrases in your daily work does not mean that everyone will understand the terminology. While communicating do not take jargon for granted. Try to make your communication as clear and uncomplicated as possible so it reaches the maximum number of people.

Children's books are a good example of the use of simple language. Even complex technical subjects like the working of a space shuttle or the parts of an aircraft are explained in children's books through simple words and phrases. Despite the fact that the writer has avoided from using complex terms you will still be able to grasp the meaning and probability learn something new. This proves that it is possible to convey information even of a technical nature without using high-flown and complicated words and phrases.


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