Crysis Remastered will have a “Can it Run Crysis?” mode

Crysis Remastered will have a “Can it Run Crysis?” mode

by Emily Smith
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In a nice little nod to the “Can it Run Crysis?” meme, Crytek has added a graphics mode to Crysis Remastered called “Can it Run Crysis?”. 

Announced via the game’s official Twitter account earlier this week, Crytek shared a screenshot from the new “Can it Run Crysis?” graphics mode to indicate what to expect. In the tweet, Crytek also explained that it’s “designed to demand every last bit of your hardware with unlimited settings.” 

Reactions on Twitter were, admittedly, a little underwhelming. Comments pointed out that the colours are highly saturated but you can’t fault the impressive distant draw details and lighting effects. It certainly looks better if not exactly flawless. 

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It hasn’t been a great time for Crytek with the game delayed back in July after fan backlash from a leaked trailer that showcased rather lacklustre graphics, but the company has gone some way to correct this. 

Last month, it announced plans to implement Nvidia DLSS technology along with hardware-based ray tracing that uses Nvidia’s VKRay Vulkan extension. The remaster will also include high-quality textures up to 8K, HDR support, temporal anti-aliasing, screen Space Directional Occlusion (SSDO), state-of-the-art depth fields, new light settings, motion blur, parallax occlusion mapping, Screen Space Reflections and Shadows (SSR & SSS) and new and updated particle effects. 

Essentially, the idea of “Can it Run Crysis?” might actually become a thing again with Crytek keen to embrace technologies available through Nvidia’s GeForce RTX GPUs. Whether you’ll want to play a remaster to show off your shiny new graphics card, we can’t answer, but we suspect that’s going to come down to how much you loved it the first time round. 

Crysis Remastered is set for release on 18th September. It’s a timed Epic Games Store exclusive on the PC although you can’t yet pre-order it. We’ll have to see in a couple of weeks time whether it lives up to the memories or not. For now, Crysis Remastered is available on the Nintendo Switch and it certainly looks rather impressive on that system. 

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