Empire Covers Tease “Dune” Characters

Empire Covers Tease “Dune” Characters

by Sue Jones
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Empire Covers Tease Dune Characters

We’re still a little over a week away from Denis Villeneuve’s “Dune” trailer debuting online, but this weekend Empire has debuted some magazine covers tied to the film.

The shots give off a glimpse of some key character looks. The first shows House Atreides: Timothee Chalamet as Paul Atreides, Oscar Isaac as his father Duke Leto, Rebecca Ferguson as his Bene Gesserit mother Lady Jessica, and Josh Brolin as sword-master Gurney Halleck.

The second shows key members of the Fremen: Javier Bardem as tribe leader Stilgar, Zendaya as his right-hand woman Chani, Sharon Duncan-Brewster as her mother Liet-Kynes, and Jason Momoa’s Duncan Idaho.

The last shows a small glimpse of one of the giant sandworms that play a key part in the story – the creatures who live deep beneath the desert of Arrakis and are vital for the planet’s spice production.

The trailer is scheduled to be released online on September 9th and the film is still targeting a December release.

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