First Teaser Trailer Arrives For Silence Of The Lambs Show Clarice

First Teaser Trailer Arrives For Silence Of The Lambs Show Clarice

by Tech News
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A new CBS drama based on Thomas Harris’s Silence of the Lambs novels is on its way–this time centered around FBI agent Clarice Starling. The first teaser for the show has now arrived, as picked up by Collider, and while it doesn’t give us much of a look at Rebecca Breeds (Pretty Little Liars) in the lead role, it does set the mood for the upcoming show.

Set in the months after the events of Silence of the Lambs, the teaser appears to show Clarice in her work as an FBI agent, though the upcoming show is also set to dive into the character’s personal life and background. As hinted in the teaser, the show will also feature the return of serial killer Buffalo Bill, who has taken a fifth victim.

While Thomas Harris’s works have already seen a popular television adaptation with NBC’s Hannibal, the two shows are not connected–and Hannibal was unable to introduce Clarice as a character because the rights to the character were separately owned. Hannibal’s Bryan Fuller has clarified for fans that the production of Clarice doesn’t affect the potential for a fourth season of Hannibal, however.

After missing the fall release window it initially aimed for, Clarice will see a mid-season premiere on CBS on February 11 at 10 PM ET/PT.

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