Fitbit’s Charge 5 Is a Surprisingly Major Upgrade—And You Can Preorder One Now

The latest Fitbit fitness tracker, the Fitbit Charge 5, is packed with features that aim to help you learn about yourself and feel good—during your workouts and beyond. 

With the ability to track sleep, fitness, and certain markers of stress and mental well-being, the latest Fitbit Charge device is an ambitious entry to the brand’s lineup. Of course, there are the fitness-tracking features, which are enhanced by the familiar built-in GPS tracking, heart-rate monitoring, personalized Active Zone Minutes calculations, and VO2 max estimates. 

The Charge 5 also comes with Fitbit Premium’s new Daily Readiness Score, which estimates your level of fatigue every morning to help you decide whether you want to take a rest day, enjoy some gentle movement, or go hard with a more intense workout. The Fitbit Charge 5 comes with other ways to monitor your stress levels as well, including a Stress Management Score and the offer of hundreds of mindfulness and meditation programs through the Premium app.

As with the Charge 4, this version has a slimmer, sleeker look compared to Fitbit’s smartwatches (like the Sense, Versa, and Luxe models). But the Charge 5 comes with a color screen, no buttons, and an even thinner design than the Charge 4, making it an exceedingly low-profile tracker. And it’s Fitbit’s first fitness and health tracker with the option to leave the display on at all times, so you’ll be able to see all of your readings continuously—even when you’re in the middle of a workout.

The new Fitbit Charge 5 is available for preorder now on the Fitbit site ($179) and will be on sale worldwide this fall. 


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