Learning Apps for Autistic People

by Lily White
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People with autism have a need and right to access the same communication apps that’s available to everybody else. Most people use multiple digital devices to address their communication needs. A single device is often unable to meet all the communication requirements. It also doesn’t make much sense. While some needs can be met with a mainstream device, others require techniques and accessories that are particularly designed for people with autism. These include interactive learning apps for children with autism, like “Just Match” and “Math on the Farm”.

Devices like iPads, smartphones and tabs have proved to be very useful interactive learning apps for children with autism. They are unlike the assistive communication devices of the past that were very cumbersome to use. A hand-held device is portable and can be easily carried. Besides, interactive learning apps for children with autism promotes peer acceptance. The “Just Match” and “Math on the Farm” apps have a responsive layout and touch screen operation so that individuals with learning difficulties or lack of coordination skills can use them easily. Tapping and sliding are much easier than typing.

Using devices like tablets and other hand-held devices are useful tools, because they are flexible and portable unlike other dedicated AAC devices that often can be heavy and cumbersome. A hand-held device is easily carried and can promote peer acceptance. The touch screen and layout are more accessible for individuals with coordination or learning difficulties-sliding and tapping are easier than typing. Technology can improve communication with others by the timely use of email or texting, which has a cost and time savings. Technology allows for adaptability and motivation.

Many people with autism spectrum disorder are visual thinkers. Pictures are often their first language, while words come second. As literal, concrete, and visual thinkers, they can process information in a much better way by looking at pictures. The “Just Match” and “Math on the Farm” interactive learning apps for children with autism does just that. Honestly speaking, technology has made a world of difference to people on the autism spectrum by making visual images more accessible. The computer graphics of interactive learning apps for children with autism capture their attention.

There have been several apps close on the heels of “Just Match” and “Math on the Farm”. It has made their world much easier. The interactive learning apps for children with autism are doing their bit for special needs education.



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