My Way to Well: Migraine

My Way to Well: Migraine

by Sue Jones
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The Numbers

Dive into the data
on migraine.

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The Stories

Hear from patients with
different experiences
and perspectives.

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The Journey

Learn more about diagnosis,
treatment, and living with

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The Numbers

Living with migraine can often feel isolating, but the reality is that many people know exactly what you’re going through. SELF surveyed over 800 people with migraine in the U.S. in February 2021 to find the common threads and trends that exist across the migraine experience.

The Stories

Everyone’s experience with migraine is unique, which is why you’ll find so many powerful, nuanced stories in this section. Click around to hear from migraine patients about how they navigate triggers, how they manage symptoms, and the advice they wish they had when they were first diagnosed.


We Need to Talk About Migraine Stigma

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64% of people with migraine have been told it’s “just a headache”.

SOURCE: SELF/Olson Research Group, February 2021


This Is What Migraine Really Does to Your Life

My Migraine Toolkit

Kate Odulukwe is an actor, singer/songwriter, and public health professional who also happens to live with moderate to severe migraine. Here are just a few of the crucial things in her migraine self-care toolkit.

Note to Self

The Journey

Finding the right treatment plan for your migraine can be, well, a journey. So we talked to people with migraine along with board-certified neurologists for their advice on making this process a bit simpler.

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1 in 5 people with migraine report being misdiagnosed before they received a migraine diagnosis.

SOURCE: SELF/Olson Research Group, February 2021


The Winding Road to Migraine Treatment

Pro Tips

We asked board-certified neurologist Komal Naik, D.O., what she really wants people with migraine to know.

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