Rogers’ introduces new ‘Ignite Health at Home’ app

Rogers’ introduces new ‘Ignite Health at Home’ app

by Lily White
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The app is free for Rogers Ignite customers


zone tv

Rogers’ is introducing a new, highly curated interactive app called ‘Ignite Health at Home’ for families can help users discover resources for healthy eating, fitness, mindfulness and spirituality. This app is only available for Ignite TV customers.

“Building on this new category of interactive experiences for Rogers Ignite TV customers, we are thrilled to be introducing Health at Home,” said Jeff Weber, CEO of, in a press statement. “As we continue to support work from home and learn from home lifestyles, it’s critical that families can discover and engage in activities that promote healthy living.”

Health at Home is the second new app to launch from Rogers that’s designed to encourage and support healthy lifestyles as families are spending more time working and learning from home. Home apps are free and offer Rogers customers access to curated content that consists of more than 1,000 online video titles, as well as casual games that are designed to inform, educate and entertain families to help strengthen mind and body.

You’ll be able to access the apps by saying “Health at Home” into the Ignite TV voice remote. It’s also available through the Apps menu.

Source: Zone.TV

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