Spider crawls out of woman’s ear as doctor puts camera inside to have a look

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Scared of spiders? Look away now.

Seriously, right now, final warning.

You were warned.

This is the moment doctors discovered a blockage inside a woman’s ear was actually where a spider had set up camp.

The eight-legged intruder came scurrying towards a miniature camera sent inside her ear canal to find out what was causing the problem. 

A Chinese woman, named only as Yi in local media reports, went to the hospital after feeling discomfort and hearing a strange noise.

She had been out for the evening the previous day when the problem first started.

When the itching became too much to bear, she went to A&E assuming she had an infection.

A probe revealed the real cause was slightly more complicated and a whole lot grosser.

When doctors placed the camera inside her ear, the creepy crawly came dashing towards the lens, making it appear much larger than it actually was.

The doctor, who has not been named, was able to remove the spider using an electric otoscope, which is a device used by doctors to look inside people’s ears.

The incident reportedly happened in the city of Zhuzhou, which is located in southern China’s Hunan Province.

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