Teaching Interview Questions

by Lily White
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Personalize your answers. Do your research on the school and visit if you possibly can. Talk to anyone you know who works, trains or studies there.

Mention at least some of your findings in your answers to show your genuine enthusiasm in them as a school or organization. This will help your answers stand out.

Ask someone you know to give you a mock interview as practice, such as a friend, tutor, teacher or careers adviser.

Why do you want to be a teacher?
You need to give evidence that teaching is your first choice, not a plan B. Tell them about your motivation and aim to show your passion for teaching. Provide good examples from your time in school and the specific teaching elements that you find satisfing. Avoid broad responses such as 'I have always wanted to be a teacher'.

Why do you want to work in our school?
Often one of the first questions in most teaching interviews, preparation is vital to successfully answer this question. Think about why you would be a good fit to work or study in the school. Tell your interviewers why you're interested in their school, and what you know about their ethos, values, demographics, educational goals and objectives, initiatives, or extracurricular activities.

How will you manage challenges at work?
Interviewers will want to hear that you're aware of the challenges in your PGCE, teacher training or NQT year and have the stamina and dedication to cope. Perhaps describe a demanding situation, giving details of how you successfully managed the competing claims. This could be your experience of studying and working at the same time – experience of preparing lessons and managing a teaching caseload would be especially relevant.

What experience do you have in schools?
Look beforehand at the experience they are asking for and emphasise where you have it. Your interview is where you can give more evidence to support your CV and application. Use evidence from your teaching practice, work in school or observing in a school before your interview. Describe the school and reflect on your learning as well as what interested or surprised you. You can also talk about experience in other settings and with different age ranges than those you're applying to teach in such nurseries, youth clubs or playschemes.

What are the core skills and qualities that pupils look for in teachers?
Match the skills you have with those you know the school are looking for, as outlined in the job description or person specification. Key skills looked for teaching interviews include:

passion for teaching / the subject
good communication and organization
critical thinking
sense of humor
ability to communicate new ideas and concepts
liking young people.

Draw attention to your assets, however obviously some of the points on this list might seem, by giving great examples of when you have successfully demonstrated them.

What qualities do you have which would make you an effective teacher?
Reflect on a teacher you liked at school, university, or have worked with in the classroom. Analyze what qualities made them successful – these might include:

subject knowledge
a range of teaching methods
an ability to hold the attention of the class
encouraging children to think rather than being told.

Tell your interviewers about the qualities you have which they are looking for – this is not a time to be modest. Talk positively about yourself, think carefully about the words you would use here, for example -assertive rather than bossy, or calm rather than laid back. Talk about what you would bring to their school.

Safeguarding and equal opportunities
In any teaching interview there is always a question around safeguarding, which may take the form of any of the following:

What is a teacher's responsibility in keeping children safe?
Tell us how you deal with a saving issue in school.

What would you do if a child disclosed xyz?
Prepare by reading a safeguarding policy, preferably for the school you're applying to or you are at. In general, do not handle a safeguarding issue yourself but pass it on to the safeguarding officer in the school.

You're also likely to be asked a question about equal opportunities, such as:

What does the term 'equal opportunities' mean to you?
How would you approach teaching a class of mixed ability pupils?
What is your motivation for working in special education?

With any of these, demonstrate that you understand the issues for yourself and outline the theory if you can with a successful example from your own experience. Be honest – if you have not been in that situation say so, but talk about what you would do if you were.

How would you evaluate [the lesson you just taught] and what would you do differently next time?
This is a cruel question. Do not just describe the lesson, talk about what was successful as well as how it may have gone better. Be prepared with some suggestions of what you would change with hindsight.

Acknowledge that you have just met the pupils and probably do not know them very well. Before the lesson, ask if you can have a seating plan or list of the pupils' names. Consider the progress of individuals in the lesson and try to remember some of their names if you can, giving the panel some suggestions of what your follow up would be.

If I walked into your classroom during an afternoon lesson, what would I see and hear?
Give a full list as they may have a checklist to see how much you mention. Demonstrate your passion for high-quality teaching, but limit your response to two minutes. Your answer will help interviewers see how you would deliver an outstanding lesson in their school. If you have a portfolio with you, show any examples of children's learning and positive feedback you have received. You could take certificates, resources you have made, examples of lessons, things which will help you remember what you have done which is outstanding.

Tell us about a behavior management strategy you have used to help engage an individual learner or group.
You could talk about how you have successfully dealt a disruptive pupil or student. Give an example of a situation where a strategy you used has been effective in the classroom. Think about the behavior management strategies you have come across or hear about and talk about what you have seen to be effective.

Give an example of when you have improved teaching and learning in the classroom and how you knew you had been successful.
Think of evidence before the interview so you are prepared with clear examples of success. Consider taking a few examples of your work, perhaps feedback from others or data around student improvement. Do not be shy when talking about where you have improved teaching and learning as this is something your interviewers really want to know about.



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