Every episode of season 2 of The Mandalorian is available to watch. Unlike many streaming services, such as Netflix, Disney Plus doesn’t give us every episode in a single almighty dump. Instead, it was being drip-fed to us over a number of weeks.
Disney Plus announced the release schedule for all eight episodes of season 2 and, thankfully, it was all pretty straightforward.
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Season 2’s episodes have all aired:
- Episode 1: Available now
- Episode 2: Available now
- Episode 3: Available now
- Episode 4: Available now
- Episode 5: Available now
- Episode 6: Available now
- Episode 7: Available now
- Episode 8: Available now
It was basically a weekly drop. In its first season, The Mandalorian had a bit of a weirder schedule, with some episodes dropping within days, and others with a gap of almost two weeks. This time round Disney was going a bit more regimented to avoid confusion and disappointment.
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And check out our episode recaps for all the Mandalorian’s Easter eggs and important Star Wars continuity references:
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The basics of The Mandalorian