Top 7 Tips to Learning Sanskrit


Most people have a burning desire to learn Sanskrit but they just can’t seem to find the ideal resource. Most books or courses require time. They want you to spend many hours in class and doing homework. At the end of the day, these traditional methods will not help you understand the priest at the temple or the Bhagavad Geeta. Here are some good tips to speed up your learning process. They are guaranteed to work. Many people have become proficient in Sanskrit just from following these simple tips.

1. Attend a Sanskrit camp. Many are held around the world during the calendar year. Look at the resources at the end of this note for web site locations. Jaahavii 2008 is coming Labour Day weekend. Be a part of it!

2. Listen to online Sanskrit resources. It might seem like a foreign language initially. Give it time.

3. Buy a great VCD set of audio/visual and watch any of the set for 5 minutes a day. Sounds small but adds up. You don’t have to watch the whole vcd at one sitting.

4. Subscribe to a regular Sanskrit magazine like Sambhashana Sandesha. Seems difficult at first but exposure, exposure, exposure to Sanskrit is the key to learning it.

5. Buy Abhyasapustakam which is a beginners learning book. It is a great starter resource. Many people around the world have started on the path with this one book.

6. Buy a version of the Bhagavad Geeta which has word for word translation. Read one verse a day and read the word for word. Swami Chidbhavananda’s version is a great example.

7. Make one sentence per day on your own about something commonplace. For example, you can say “aham gacchaami” for “I go”.

Use these tips and plan to attend a Sanskrit Camp. There are North American venues during Labour Day weekend. Come and be a part of the Sanskrit wave sweeping the world. Don’t get caught behind the wave. The waves of Jaahnavii (another word for the Ganga river) can’t be stopped.

If you want to learn Sanskrit and live in Ottawa or Toronto, then use the resource box to contact me for further info on summer classes in 2009.



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