Vaginal Pain and 7 Other Common Pregnancy Pains

by Sue Jones
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Pregnancy pains happen, and probably more often than you’d like (which would be no more than zero times). Pregnancy is one of the few experiences in life that can be at once beautiful and alarming. On the one hand, the awe-inspiring physical changes may reinforce how magical it is to be pregnant. But there are also many times when the experience isn’t exactly a picnic. In fact, it can straight up be a pain in the vagina (pun intended).

Sure, pregnancy can be great, but most people don’t feel like they’re straight out of a “glowy pregnant person” casting call for all nine months. There’s a solid amount of discomfort in the mix. With that in mind, here’s everything you need to know about pregnancy pains.


Common Pregnancy Pains

Pregnancy impacts several different parts of your body, and the pains are no different. These are some of the more common issues that can pop up.


1. Vagina pain (also called lightning crotch)

How could we not kick it off with this one? This barrel of fun is exactly what it sounds like: a sharp, stabbing pain that essentially feels like your baby is punching you in the vagina, Idries Abdur-Rahman, M.D., a board-certified ob-gyn, tells SELF. You can thank a complex network of nerves connecting your uterus (where the baby hangs out), cervix (the lower part of your uterus that serves as a passageway into the vagina), and your vagina itself for that, Dr. Abdur-Rahman says. Essentially, if something is putting pressure on your uterus or cervix—like a growing baby—it can make your vagina feel pretty damn uncomfortable, he explains.

Interestingly enough, some of this out-of-nowhere pain could also be due to varicose veins that pop up on your vulva (outer genitalia) during pregnancy, Peter Ahlering, M.D., an ob-gyn at the Missouri Center for Reproductive Medicine, tells SELF. These are also known as vulvar varicosities, according to the Mayo Clinic. “There’s increasing pressure from the enlarging uterus, so the blood from everything below it doesn’t make its way effectively upward as it typically does. That pressure [change causes] dilation of those veins,” Dr. Ahlering explains. Your veins usually have valves that stop blood from flowing backward, but because of all that pregnancy-induced pressure in the area, they might not work as well as usual. Hence, varicose veins that can cause tingly pain down below.

Yes, this might all sound weird—people usually talk about varicose veins in legs, after all, so having them wind up on your vulva might throw you for a loop. We promise, though, that this can be a completely normal part of how your body changes during pregnancy.

The good news here is that this type of pregnancy discomfort is often short-lived. Varicose veins in the vulvar area typically go away once you give birth, usually around six weeks after delivery, the Mayo Clinic says.


2. Round ligament pain

You probably haven’t ever given much (if any) thought to your round ligaments, but they play a pretty important role in your body—especially during pregnancy. Ligaments are cords in your body that connect certain structures in your body to other structures, the Merck Manual explains. Your round ligaments, in particular, serve as connections between your uterus and your groin. Since ligaments have collagen and elastic fibers, they’re able to soften and stretch a bit, which is key because that offers some support for your expanding uterus during pregnancy. That expansion is where round ligament pain can come in. ”

[Round ligaments] get stretched as the uterus enlarges, so people can feel a pulling sensation, usually around the hip bones,” says Dr. Ahlering. You may also feel a bit of a pulling sensation in your labia, depending on how far-reaching the pain is. Fun! Round ligament pain can also happen if the ligaments constrict or spasm, or if nerve fibers close by become irritated, the Mayo Clinic explains.

According to the Mayo Clinic, round ligament pain can be worse at certain times, like when you wake up, when you roll over in bed, and when you’re moving quickly or intensely.


3. Leg pain

You’ve got a lot of extra blood in your system during pregnancy. It’s actually around 50 percent more, per the Mayo Clinic, so let’s just pause for a second and marvel at the human body. Done? Done.

A big (and potentially painful) issue with all this extra blood is that it makes it even easier for some of that blood to end up pooling in your lower limbs. This makes sense when you think about it. “Your lymphatic system [which helps with circulation] and venous [vein-related] system are working uphill against your enlarging uterus,” says Dr. Ahlering. “Because of that, you can experience swelling and pressure in your lower extremities.”


4. Lower back pain

“Along with temporary changes in your spinal curvature, weight shifts can cause muscle spasms and soreness in your lower back,” says Dr. Ahlering. Basically, the weight you gain during pregnancy can tax your lower back in a painful way.


5. Braxton Hicks contractions

Meet the cause of all those “I’m going to have a baby! Wait, just kidding” false alarms you may have seen in movies. Braxton Hicks contractions are like your body putting you through a dress rehearsal for labor. “The uterus is a big muscle that contracts throughout pregnancy,” says Dr. Abdur-Rahman. The closer you get to labor, the more painful, regulated, and stronger those contractions can be, he explains. If it’s your first baby, it’s normal to think a few intense cramps mean it’s go time. But if the cramps aren’t regular and don’t get closer together with time, chances are they’re Braxton Hicks, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) says, especially if you’re not nearing full-term.

“With Braxton Hicks, you’ll often get one cramp here, one cramp there,” says Dr. Abdur-Rahman. Sometimes they feel like the baby is balling up, other times they’re closer to your garden-variety period cramps, or they can even feel like a tight sensation in your belly, the Mayo Clinic says, adding that these false labor cramps can be more likely to happen when it’s the afternoon or evening and after you’ve been physically active (including with sex).

A few pro tips when it comes to figuring out if you’re dealing with Braxton Hicks pregnancy pains or actual labor: See if the cramps stop when you walk (if you’ve been sitting or lying down), when you rest (if you’ve been moving), or when you otherwise change your activity level or position. You can also try timing your contractions for about an hour to see if they become more regular, ACOG says, though it can be hard to keep exact tabs on when they’re coming and going if they’re not intense, which Braxton Hicks sometimes aren’t. Also, ask yourself if the pain is mainly in the front of your body (typically a sign of Braxton Hicks) as opposed to both your back and front (as it often happens with true labor), ACOG adds.


6. G.I. pain

Your digestive system can go all out during pregnancy and really show off its ability to make you uncomfortable, as SELF previously reported. “Progesterone [a pregnancy hormone], relaxes smooth muscles like your intestines,” says Dr. Abdur-Rahman. That means food doesn’t pass through your system as quickly as usual. Potential results: feeling surprisingly full even though you might assume you’d be ravenous thanks to the whole pregnancy thing, and poop just sitting in your body instead of making a not-so-graceful exit. (Yup, we mean the beast that is constipation.) Plus, a lot of prenatal vitamins have iron, and your growing uterus can even make it harder physically for your bowels to move things along, both of which can also stop you up. Constipation can be normal to some extent, but you should definitely see a doctor after a certain point. Here’s how to know when to make that call.


You also naturally swallow some air when you talk and eat, which can lead to a different type of gas-related discomfort. “Usually, you would pass [a lot of that air], but it can build up, then make you burp all the time,” says Dr. Abdur-Rahman. Additionally, you might deal with heartburn (more so than usual) because of pregnancy-induced relaxation of the muscle at the end of your esophagus that is supposed to constrict when necessary to keep acid and food from flowing backward.


7. Breast pain

Tender breasts can hint at your pregnancy in the first place. As SELF previously reported, this can happen when fluctuating hormones and amped up blood flow make your breast tissue much more tender than usual as your boobs swell and prepare to make milk. Specifically, Johns Hopkins Medicine notes, we can mostly blame this one on the hormones estrogen and progesterone. So…thanks for that.

Even once you’re aware that you’re pregnant, your breasts can keep reminding you of that fact by being way too sensitive sometimes. Thankfully, this type of pregnancy pain typically abates some weeks into pregnancy, the Mayo Clinic says.


8. “Accommodation” pain

Okay, no, this isn’t a medical term, but it’s a pretty accurate nickname for something a lot of pregnant people experience! That “accommodation” nods to the fact that your uterus is expanding and parts of your body like your very bones are shifting in order to give that baby room to grow.

According to the experts, accommodation pain is usually a dull, throbbing sensation or cramping that doesn’t ease when you change positions. You may specifically feel pain down your sides as your uterus grows, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine.

The pain might freak you out, but try not to immediately worry. Random cramping, aches, and pains can be completely normal during pregnancy.


How to Ease the Pains

The best way to get rid of pregnancy pains usually depends on what’s causing the issue in the first place (other than, ya know, pregnancy). But there are a few things that tend to work well, depending on where the pain seems to be coming from.

For vaginal pain…

Try wearing compression stockings. Here are some great recs. “They hold everything in and help prevent blood from pooling in the lower extremities and [vulva],” says Dr. Ahlering. The Mayo Clinic also suggests avoiding standing or sitting for long periods of time if you can, propping up your legs so they’re in an elevated position, and applying cold compresses to your vulva for a little bit of cooling relief.

For round ligament pain…

To help combat round ligament pain, consider a pregnancy support belt, says Dr. Ahlering. “They’re like [pregnancy] Spanx—girdles that, in essence, try to hold the uterus up and in. They can relieve some discomfort,” he explains.

Applying heat to the sore areas can also help—just be sure to keep things from getting too hot. “You don’t want to overheat, especially early in your pregnancy,” says Dr. Abdur-Rahman. He recommends taking a warm bath or using a heating pad on the lowest setting (if it has a temperature gauge, he suggests keeping it within the lower one-third). Also, round ligament pain often changes depending on your position, so you might find that it may help to stand if you’re sitting, do the reverse, or move around in general. Beyond that, the Mayo Clinic recommends gentle stretching, avoiding quick or repetitive movement whenever possible, tensing your hips before you cough or sneeze, and trying a pain reliever like acetaminophen.

For leg pain…

There are a bunch of potential fixes you can try for leg pain during pregnancy. To get you started: In addition to those maternity compression stockings, when you’re able to, lie down and put your feet up so they’re above your heart, the Mayo Clinic says, so it’s easier for blood to circulate. You can try rolling your feet around and gently flexing them to give your ankles and legs a bit of a stretch too. If you have access to a pool, see if standing or walking around in the water helps take off any pressure and makes your legs feel better. Also, maybe request a foot massage from a sympathetic loved one who knows you deserve it?

For lower back pain…

Here are a few simple yet potentially effective tips, according to the Mayo Clinic.

  1. Watch your posture: As your center of gravity shifts, you might be tempted to lean back, but doing so can strain the muscles in your lower back. Try to stand up straight and tall with your shoulders back and relaxed. If it helps, take a wider stance when standing so you feel more stable.
  2. Wear a maternity support belt: It may feel totally foreign, but the extra support can really be a huge help. Research on the effectiveness of these is limited, but it’s worth a shot.
  3. Lift with your legs: Generally, you really shouldn’t be lifting anything superheavy while pregnant unless your doctor has signed off on it. But even when lifting a small object, be sure to squat down and use your legs so you avoid bending at the waist or using your back.
  4. Sleep right: You might be most comfortable on your side. Try using pregnancy or support pillows that rest between your bent knees, under your belly, or behind your back, and keep in mind that sleeping on your back while pregnant can bring about back pain. There are also some concerns that pregnant people sleeping on their backs may have an increased risk of stillbirth. The link isn’t totally definitive, which you can read about here.
  5. Apply heat or cold—or get a massage: A heating pad or ice pack (wrapped in something like a towel so you don’t accidentally make your skin too cold) on your lower back can feel amazing, as can a massage from your aforementioned loved one!

You can also try wearing flat, sturdy shoes to offer your body better support, the Merck Manual says.

At the end of the day, though, you may just have to power through the lower back pain, especially as you get further along in your pregnancy. “You can only do so much when you’re working against that counterweight,” says Dr. Ahlering.

For Braxton Hicks contractions…

If you’ve been sitting or lying down, try walking. Or, on the flip side, try sitting down if you’ve been moving around. According to the Mayo Clinic, Braxton Hicks contractions often chill out specifically when you change your movement or position. You can also try hydrating, which can reduce Braxton Hicks contractions, according to ACOG.

For constipation…

“You can try drinking more water, eating more fiber, using stool softeners, or drinking prune juice,” Dr. Abdur-Rahman says. (Stool softeners are typically safe during pregnancy, the Mayo Clinic explains, but you should always check in with your doctor if you’re unsure about introducing anything like this into your regimen while you’re expecting.)

For heartburn…

The Merck Manual recommends trying to eat smaller portions of food over time rather than bigger portions at once, not lying down until hours have passed since you’ve eaten, raising the head of your bed so acid has a harder time flowing back into your esophagus, and more.

For breast pain…

Dr. Abdur-Rahman notes that taking a warm bath and pain reliever may help, and Johns Hopkins Medicine recommends wearing a bra that provides adequate support.


Complications of Pregnancy Pain

You may be wondering how to tell the difference between all the types of pain we discuss above, which aren’t typically worrisome, and pregnancy pain that’s actually concerning. Great question.

It’s less common, but pregnancy pains can be a sign of appendicitis, gallbladder issues, preeclampsia (a condition during pregnancy that usually involves a sudden increase in blood pressure), and miscarriage, SELF previously reported.

If some new, painful change strikes very quickly, very severely, and presents with other symptoms like vaginal bleeding or fever, it could be a sign of a complication and you should definitely reach out to your doctor, Dr. Ahlering advises.


When to See a Doctor

As you can see above, there are plenty of weird pains you might experience when you’re expecting—including vaginal pain during pregnancy—that are nothing to worry about. “You can’t have this major distortion to your anatomy in such a short period of time and not experience something,” says Dr. Ahlering.

But, again, call your doctor if you experience sharp, intense pain, vaginal bleeding, or a fever. You can also call your doctor up even if you’re 99 percent sure you’re feeling something on this list that’s totally normal, but a small part of you wonders whether it’s more serious. “If you’re ever in doubt, talk to your doctor,” says Dr. Abdur-Rahman. “That’s what we’re here for.”



  • Mayo Clinic, Vulvar Varicosities During Pregnancy
  • Merck Manual, Ligaments
  • Mayo Clinic, What Causes Round Ligament Pain During Pregnancy?
  • Mayo Clinic, Heart Conditions and Pregnancy: Know the Risk
  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, How to Tell When Labor Begins
  • Mayo Clinic, Third Trimester Pregnancy: What to Expect
  • Mayo Clinic, Pregnancy Constipation
  • Merck Manual, Physical Changes During Pregnancy
  • Johns Hopkins Medicine, The First Trimester
  • Mayo Clinic, Symptoms of Pregnancy
  • Johns Hopkins Medicine, The Second Trimester
  • Mayo Clinic, Ankle Swelling During Pregnancy, What Helps?
  • Mayo Clinic, Back Pain During Pregnancy
  • Mayo Clinic, Signs of Labor

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