Why Flipped Classroom

by Meili
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For some new teachers, the idea of a flipped classroom might not yet have set in. This may also be true for seasoned teachers. When you are used to a certain routine that a classroom should follow, it can sometimes be difficult to adjust. Flipping your classroom essentially means making it possible for students to listen to or view a lecture at home and come to school to ask questions and get help with homework. It brings schoolwork home and homework to school. When implementing a new idea only serves to help you and your students, it can be wise to at least give it a try. Flipping your classroom can be very beneficial to you and your students. Implementing a flipped model for your class doesn’t necessarily happen immediately. To really implement it properly you need to study the classroom model, see how other teachers implement it, and then start out small.

As you have likely learned in your years of education, studying the material is a very important part of learning any concept. This holds true for the flipped classroom model. You should study out the various benefits and disadvantages of such a model. Learning more about it will also help you to effectively use it in the classroom, so study any and all materials concerning it that you can.

You are certainly not the first person to decide on implementing a flipped model for your classroom. Where others have gone before you, you can learn from their mistakes and successes. After learning about the flipped model, look at how others have implemented it. This can give you an idea of how to use it in your own classroom or school district. You don’t need to start off on this adventure blindly because others can give you a better starting point. Take advantage of it!

You don’t need to immediately transition all of your lessons to a flipped classroom model. In fact, when you are just starting out with the model, it can be better to start out small. You don’t know for sure how well the model will work for you at first, so try using it for just one unit that your class is doing. This can also help ease your students into the model as well. Start off small, and then build on that as time goes on.

A flipped classroom can be a new concept for many teachers. To effectively implement this classroom model you need to study it out well so that you understand it, use the experiences of others to help you know how to use it more effectively in your classroom, and start off small. You don’t have to flip your classroom overnight, but you might just like how it ends up working in your classroom.



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