Walt Disney Animation has announced that the musical short “Us Again” will debut in cinemas ahead of next month’s “Raya and the Last Dragon”.
Zach Parrish helms the new short set in a vibrant city pulsating with rhythm and movement and centers on an elderly man and his young-at-heart wife rekindling their youthful passion for life along the cityscape of their youth.
The short unfolds entirely without dialogue and set to an original funk and soul musical score reminiscent of the mid-60s.
This marks the company’s first film with a short in front of it since “Inner Workings” debuted with “Moana”. Brad Simonsen and Jennifer Lee produce while Pinar Toprak handles the music.
The short won’t be included in the Disney+ Premier Access release of “Raya and the Last Dragon” in March but will be coming to the Disney+ service in June/
Source: Twitter