Formal Hairstyles For Long Hair to Suit the Metro Man

by Sue Jones
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You might think that it’s not possible to find formal hairstyles for long hair in men. Well, though it could seem quite hard to picture, you will find some advice on how to make long hair look classy and decent during a formal event. In formal events, men are expected to wear their hair cut short and with a completely clean and shaved face.

Today men have choices when it comes to hairstyles too; they are not expected to wear a military look at all times like before. It is now accepted for men to wear a long hairstyle, even if some employers disagree and make their staff have traditional looks. If before men with long hair were perceived as rebels and troublemakers, now many professionals and public figures feature longer hairstyles without it affecting their image. Here are some examples of formal hairstyles for long hair in men that can help you avoid looking as a bum in a gala or ball.

There are different ways to work with men’s long hair. A well groomed pony tail is always a good solution. Beware if you decide to braid it, the idea is to get it out of the way, not attract attention. Another way is to iron it. Yes, iron it. It won’t make you a girl. It will help you look clean and groomed. That’s the price for wearing it long! Go to the salon and announce you have a black tie event. Get it trimmed and the hairdresser will take care of it.

Browse the net, look for more options for formal hairstyles for long hair in men, and you’ll find a dozen more options. If you’re not sure, ask for female assistance, which will always work in your favor. If you’re desperate visit a salon. If that makes you self conscious you can always go across town and change your name!



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