How to Create a Travel Video during Your Vacation

by ava360
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Everyone wants to travel around the world. Traveling can become the most amazing experience of our lives. While traveling we must record our precious moment in camera and, no doubt, now a days, travelling videos are popular in YouTube. We can make best travel vlogs with the help of best cameras and video editing software.

But to be the best vlogger many things are needed. A camera, a place to record and having the idea clear is, obviously, essential points to start. If you are thinking of becoming a travel vlogger, in this guide we give you tips for recording equipment, editing software and other basic elements. In addition, we have the opinion of some successful YouTubers to help you in this new adventure.

The Recording Equipment || Slowly and With Good Lyrics:

Obviously, the idea, what to tell and how to show it, is the key to starting a vlog. However, the product sold by YouTube is audiovisual; the quality of the image, sound or light is so important that it must be planned and treated with care.

We have already seen that the scenario is important, but if there is something essential for the vlogger, it is the recording equipment. As the saying goes, the more sugar you have, the more you get, but before you buy a new camera, projector or projectors, think about what you really need.

I recommend not investing anything, it is better to do it with everything you have on hand; this allows the result to be more creative. When you start, what matters is the content. Not just the material you use, but how you use it, how to get the most out of it. At first, most vloggers registered with a Nokia mobile phone and only a few years later were investing in a basic SLR camera.

The Camera:

This will be your window to the world and will depend on the quality of the image, the plan, and sometimes even the sound. This is the most important element of the entire team. Once again, the content you create also determines the type of camera that suits you best.

Since your videos are usually recorded outside, in the action, the most important feature of your camera is that it has a fairly wide zoom and offers good image quality. In addition, you should also be aware of the fact that it has an optical stabilizer, a very important aspect to reduce tremors during an outdoor recording done by hand. The objective must be exactly the opposite when using it in a small space, such as the aircraft. A wide angle is needed to get a wider image.

To cover a wider variety of situations, it is better to bet on an adaptive camera. Carolina from Clipset tells us that “the camera has to be versatile, it depends on the level of YouTuber you want and the type of content you think”. It is necessary to differentiate a lot of the content that is placed in a fixed place. In the street and elsewhere, you will have to use two totally different devices, unless you have a camera with interchangeable lenses.


Before talking about the product sold on YouTube, it is audiovisual. However, the audio is often placed in the background, while it must be at the same level as the image. The quality of the image may be excellent, but poor sound will tarnish the end result and eventually distract attention.

Sound remains a challenge for experienced users. “Sound is the big disadvantage of YouTube users, you can control video, learn to shine through trial and error, but if there is something that has no control, it’s never the object audio”.

Sound is the most important technical aspect and the one that presents the greatest difficulties. “In general, the image is less important to people, but the sound is very important.” Audio problems can occur for many reasons, but the most common is that there is too much background noise or that it also generates a lot of echo. The sound is very important.

Lighting: natural, artificial or both:

Light is an important aspect when choosing the recording location, outside or inside. If you want to record in the street, this is an advantage, because only natural light can provide abundant and very attractive lighting, but you must also respect certain rules.

When recording outdoors, it is best to avoid the central hours of the day, when the sun is higher, as this creates excessively harsh shadows. The sunrise and the sunset, although they usually give very photogenic scenes, are not a good idea either, because the light is more orange and changes very quickly.

Speaking of changes, we must also pay attention to the time that passes because the light changes and, in the end, we have to change the plans in which the light and even the colors are too different.

As we have seen, many YouTube users are recording their videos indoors, where lighting can be harder. Recording next to the window is an option, but it is possible that the light falls on one side and the result produces too many shadows. In this case, using an artificial light support to fill is a good solution.

Editing videos:

When the recording process is complete, the editing process starts. This is where many YouTube users are more anxious and the video may not be anything special, but with good editing, you can earn a lot and create a totally different product.

For the editing process not to be a hell, the trick is to make sure you have enough photos and, most importantly, leave nothing to record after. For that, it is necessary to have the idea very clear from the beginning, because it is easy to finish in a subject and to pass to another.

Making a script can be a solution, but much more than a closed script, most of the YouTube players will plan the structure of the video in blocks or sections so as not to leave out anything, but film within each section. They allow themselves to improvise so that the result is fresher. What is common to all is to repeat the plans, not only because the first went wrong.

Inspiration and motivation for Audience:

We have already said that the camera, the microphone (if you need it) and the lighting are important aspects, but that the key focus is not the quality of the image or sound. It’s the story being told.

The themes that can be reproduced are the most varied. You can focus more on makeup, DIY or any other field, tell your stories, show your music, create games or analyze products of all kinds. Whatever your field, the important thing is that it is something you like to do.

The possibilities are enormous and the choice depends on the skills and motivations of each. As proof, the motivations of the YouTube users we spoke to were different in each case, but everyone agrees that it is something that flows naturally from their hobbies or work.

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