“The Batman” Funeral Scene Clip

Warner Bros. PIctures

The first extended clip from Matt Reeves’ “The Batman” has arrived showing off a funeral sequence briefly displayed in the early teaser.

The scene sees Robert Pattinson’s Bruce Wayne attending the mayor’s funeral, only for it to be crashed by someone with a message from The Riddler (Paul Dano).

The clip comes as Pattinson has walked back a joke he made about his lack of a workout routine for the film a year ago to GQ. That led to some online meltdowns about the character’s need for swoleness, and he recently told Movie Maker:

“That really came back to haunt me. I just always think it’s really embarrassing to talk about how you’re working out… You’re playing Batman. You have to work out. I think I was doing the interview when I was in lockdown, as well, in England… I was in a lower gear of working out.”

Warner Bros. Pictures will release “The Batman” in cinemas on March 4th.

Source: Twitter

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