Watercolour Painting Techniques

by AVA
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Watercolour painting techniques include such matters as choosing and mixing paints, use of color, glazing and many more. This article will concentrate on brush control which is a highly critical aspect of this activity. You really need to have mastered brush control or you will fail to achieve the results that you are seeking. So, let's have a closer look at this area.

"Thick and thin" is a fantastic technique that you will want to master. You vary the pressure that you are applying to the brush while you are painting a straight line. This will have the effect of making the line thick and then thin and thick again as you go along. It sounds simple but it is highly useful tool. Let's look at some more watercolour painting techniques.

Some things that you paint can affect how you try to capture them. Imagine painting grass. You are likely to want to use many short, sharp movements. The technique used in this instance is called "wrist flick" and it needs some effort to master. Going back to that grass, you would begin at the bottom of the canvas and then flick up with the brush following the way in which the blade of grass would actually come out of the ground. This can bring very lifelike images on to your canvas for you.

"Bands of color" is another of the watercolour Painting Techniques that you will want to learn. Here is an example of how it works. Draw a curved line in a particular color on to the canvas. Next, follow this line in a different color just benefit it. You have to take great care to get the lines very close but just far enough to stop the paintings running together. Then you paint a further line in a different color again just below the last one. Keep going along in this fashion and you will have created an interesting effect.

Watercolour painting techniques each have a particular purpose and this next one is really fun! You can get some fantastic results by spraying the paint from your brushes. Use your finger to flick the end of a brush and spray the paint on to the paper. Different brushes give varying results. You can even try using a toothbrush! You can attempt to splatter paints evenly over the surface or in different sized droplets. You can also place various sizes and shapes of paper on top of the area that you are painting so that the spraying only goes on to certain areas. The angle at which you spray can be altered and also the height from the paper. Play around with this one for some outstanding results.

The list of watercolour painting techniques is very long but there is just time to mention one more of the main ones.

The above processes have all been about putting paintings on to the paper. The next one of our watercolour painting techniques is all about removing it. Take an area of ​​already painted work and then find an implementation to remove some of it by scrapping the surface. A pen knife is an ideal tool but you can actually buy brushes that have a notch built in to do the job for you. Fine detail can be added in a bold fashion and different tools will bring very different results. Look around you for ideas on how you can make the most of this process. You can use a credit card to do the scraping, a knife from the kitchen or even a small screwdriver from the tool box.



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