How To Never Ask For A Phone Number From A Girl And Still Get It!

by Sue Jones
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When you constantly ask women for their phone numbers or e-mail address and she has not yet felt true rapport with you, that phone number that she gives you out of pity will not do you any good at all, no matter how great your outer game is.

Outer game has a lot more to do with how you represent yourself to women during an interaction with a girl than it does with how your physical appearance is displayed to them. In other words, instead of worrying so much about what tie to wear on a date with a girl, you should be more concerned with developing real honesty with her first.

If a girl has already demonstrated that she likes you, then it is up to you to take her to that next level without behaving needy and asking for her phone number as soon as you realize that she finds you attractive.

The best way in which you can build up that honesty and comfort zone between you and her is by admitting to her that you in fact have some flaws about yourself that you can now share with her.

Don’t make them so bad that she will flee your presence in disgust, just tell her something like, “I need a haircut so bad sometimes, but I have a fear that the barber will screw up my hair so bad, I’ll never be able to leave my house!”

Or try, “Have you ever had a blemish on your face that you are sure everyone around you can see? I have some nightmares like that.” Now that you get the point, try this out the next time you are having a great conversation with a woman and you just know she is attracted to you.


Instead of going with what you have been doing in the past, and just trying too hard to get her number, start bringing up some inner fears that you have that are benign in nature but will allow the girl to feel a hell of a lot more comfortable with you than ever before.

It’s good to realize that a woman will never fall for a guy who comes off way too cocky and sure of himself who tells her that he has no fears or imperfections whatsoever. Women know this cannot possibly be true about any man.

So when you tell her about some of your shortcomings, she will in fact believe you are telling her the truth about how intelligent you are as well as all of your stories that you will be telling her to build up your social value to her.

But never be dishonest about your positive traits or your negative ones. The truth has a funny way of appearing when you least expect it and that will cause you to lose every girl you come into contact with because women hate to be taken advantage of, even in a small way.

Just remember to build up true rapport with a girl by admitting some of your fears, then drive up the sexual tension with her while starting to relay to her that you are running out of time with her. She will almost always beg you to call her immediately.

To keep your seduction game going, check back to this site every day for more great articles on how to build great outer game along with every other important facet on the topic of seduction techniques.



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