
In today’s Full Nerd, the gang talks about Intel’s Tiger Lake CPUs, the recently unveiled GeForce RTX 30 series, and answer an almost endless amount of questions.

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In this episode of The Full Nerd, Gordon Ung, Brad Chacos, Alaina Yee, and Adam Patrick Murray talk tigers and other beasts.

Gordon kicks things off with an overview of Tiger Lake, Intel’s just-launched 11th-gen mobile processors. Then Brad outlines what’s inside Nvidia’s next-gen GeForce RTX 30-series graphics cards before we settle into answering questions. So many questions. Almost two hours’ worth of questions, and almost all about Nvidia’s soon-to-release GPUs. We go deep.

You can witness it all in the video embedded above. You can also watch The Full Nerd episode 149 on YouTube (subscribe to the channel while you’re there!) or listen to it on Soundcloud if you prefer the audio alone. 

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Have a PC- or gaming-related question? Email [email protected] and we’ll try to answer it in the next episode. You can also join the PC-related discussions and ask us questions on The Full Nerd’s Discord server. Finally, be sure to follow PCWorld on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitch to watch future episodes live and pick our brains in real time! 

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