5 Basic Yoga Poses For Beginners

by Meili
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Yoga has been with us for thousands of years, and how it can still be seen as a trend until now is indeed remarkable! As it has been practiced for such a long period of time, it managed to keep on evolving in such a constant pace. For that fact, the commonly used forms of Yoga these days-which commonly involves comfortable cushy mats, stretch pants and plenty of movements – are practically new.

These developments do not tend to vitiate the traditional physical focuses (asanas) of Yoga. Indeed, physical yoga will, for the very least develop strong, flexible bodies, best outcomes still results from a yoga practice that is more than physical. Yoga practices should involve a calm, open mind and spiritual enlightenment at some point. However, whichever reason one may put up in starting a yoga practice is reasonable. And like any other things, this practice should also start with the basic. And so, yoga poses for beginners should start with these 5 basic poses.

Wide Leg Forward Fold or Prasarita Padottanasana

To beginners who have tight hamstrings, this form may give a little frustration at first. This pose can be done in different versions, but do not assume that this should involve hands or head-on-the-floor forms right away. Experiencing the apparent happenings to your body, as the practice goes on, is more important than getting to a particular place or form at fast instances.

Getting into the proper form:

With hands on your hips, stand with feet wide open on your mat. Shoulder blades should be together, down on your back and your neck long. Feet should be kept parallel at all times.

With your eyes closed, try to picture your feet as a tripod – with one point at your heel, another point at the pad under your big toe and the last one under your little toe. Root all of these three points down into the ground.

Inhale deeply and visualize that you are pulling the roots from the point you’ve founded under your toes unto your hips. This can likely activate the muscles in your legs and helping you to create a good alignment.

Exhale, while keeping your back straight, fold your body forward at your hips.

If you can manage, bring your hands all the way to the ground. Do this while you are keeping your spine extended.

If you are not capable of reaching the ground just yet, bend your knees with your hands placed on your thighs.

While you are maintaining this pose, a few goals must be realized.

Your spine must be kept long or extended at all times – this promote better back alignment and strength which can help prevent lower back injury.

The tripods planted on the ground should be maintained. The strength posed in this particular form must promote come from these points – this promotes feet strength, better leg alignment that can prevent injuries and keeps you active while in the pose.


Downward Dog

This is hailed as the most common form in Yoga. But, this could be far more challenging than what anyone may expect from it. This is also a form that stretches your hamstrings. This can also be a calf, spine and arm strengthener.

You’ll be making use of your whole body, so you should get into it deliberately.

Stand with your feet parallel and a hip distance on your mat.

Just like the former for, plant the tripod once again.

Inhale and raise your hand to the sky.

Exhale. Fold your hips forward until you are able to place your hands onto the ground, and if necessary band your knees.

Take a step back so that you will be able to form an upside-down shape of a V. (This is the basic pose.)


It is vital that you have a long and straight spin than your knees to be straight. Thus, extending your spine is your priority, so it is fine to have your knees bent.

With the shape of the spine extended, stretch your legs as much as you are able to.

Root your heels to the ground as far as it can go and do not push them. They’ll get there.

Your fingertips and pads at your fingers base should be planted firmly on to the ground. This can likely take the pressure off of your wrist while protecting them.

Remember that everything should be aligned.

Feet should be kept parallel,and your hands should be in line with your shoulder.


Crescent Pose

Crescent pose is the most preferred starting form in most yoga classes. Either practiced for flows or before getting into other more complex forms or poses. A forward standing lunge with arms extended overhead is the basic form of the crescent pose.

Getting the right form:

From a forward bend, step your right leg backward, folding in to your left leg for some period of time.

Take your time in stabilizing your lunge. Make sure that both of your feet are firmly planted, your legs are strong and with your back extended.

If preferred, you can release your back knee to the ground. Inhale and place your hand on your front knee while lifting your body up.

If the formation feels good, in the next inhale, try raising your arms overhead, straight up from your shoulder with palm facing in.

To add a back end, lift your heart up and then draw your shoulder blades down on your back. If ever the standing lunge is somehow difficult, lower the back of your knee to the ground when you take the first step of your leg back for the lunge.

Warrior II

Warrior poses can be seen a staple in yoga. And Warrior II can possibly be one of the most prevalent of the variations. Officially, there are three standing warrior poses, lots of variations has been made and more sets of seated poses are also existent. How to get into the proper pose:

From your forward fold, take a step back with your right led into a long lunge.

While turning sideways, twist your back foot so it is flat on the floor and parallel with your mat. Be sure that both of your feet are firmly planted to the grounds.

Inhale while drawing strength from your legs for firm foundation.

Extend your arms outward on to your sides while you lift your upper body upright in order for them to be parallel with the ground.

Look beyond your middle finger in front of you and breathe deeply.


A firm foundation is the key to being a strong warrior. Keep those feet deeply rooted into the ground while drawing strength up to your hips. This can help you align your pose properly to give you stability while into it.

Back shoulder should be pulled down and back. There can be a tendency of your shoulder rolling forward, let it.

Extend your arms all the way to your fingertips. Warrior do not have arms that flop.

The gaze you must commit to is a vital part in the pose, and not an easy one to. It can be difficult for us to keep our eyes gazing fixedly in one place without getting it distracted and not letting it wander around. You need focus that a warrior should have when it is aiming at its prey, breathing in that same spot.

Child’s Pose or Balasana

A child’s pose is another type of yoga pose for beginners. This can be a phase where you can be able to take a rest or the time to cool down. During a yoga class, you will be encouraged to take this pose if you ever decided to take a break. This works as a break pose in a class, whether necessary or part of the program.

Getting into it:

Do a kneeling position, then bend forward. Reach your arms out in front of you until your forehead is able to touch the ground.

If you find it hard to kneel down, you can place a block or a rolled up blanket above your calves or where you prefer, or a blanket underneath your knees.

If planting your forward on to the mat is frustrating, your hands can serve as a block support.

Relax your entire body and then focus on your breath. This form is not a working pose, it is a resting pose. So, if you ever feel exasperating, you have to adjust the pose.

Yoga can be difficult at first but with little persistence on the line, everything will work out as you may want it to be!


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