Emotions and Its Management in Patanjala Yoga

by Meili
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Maharshi Patanjali was revered sage and eminent scholar on Yoga and Samkhya Philosophy. He carried out hectic research work on the subject of Yoga and organized its principles and Practices of in a systematic way. His classical work on the subject has been one of the most authentic and traditional teachings to fallow the yogic life.

Patanjala Yoga Sutras is classical work of the sage Patanjali which is also known as Ashtanga or Raja Yoga. The traditional text explains the nature of the mind and the causes of the disturbances to the mind. The second chapter of the text provides the structured methodology to achieve the peace of mind through its principles and practices. Sage beautifully describes the nature of disturbances and the techniques to counter these troubles.


Emotions are the feelings or sensations of a person in relationship with others in different circumstances. Positive state of the emotional stability helps to express the proper behavior and traits of the personality. The imbalance of the emotional states brings more and more sufferings leading to the mental distractions, pain and anxiety. Sage Patanajli explains the five afflictions are the fundamental sources of the human miseries which are very powerful to disturb the nature of our emotions too.

Psycho Physiology of emotional upsets

The disturbed emotions have very strong influence on our physical and mental health. Many of the psychosomatic diseases of the modern time are rooted in the imbalance of these emotions. They throw out the rhythm of the endocrinal profile affecting the normal secretions of the many of the hormones. Physiology of various systems in our body is being influenced by the imbalances. The irregularity of the biochemical secretions affects our digestion leading to digestive disorders such as acidity, constipation and indigestion

Management of emotions in Yoga

The practice of yoga is one of the most effective means to maintain the stable emotions and prevent the psychosomatic diseases. The Sage in his sutras recommends inculcating the qualities to harness the harmony in the life.

PYS 1.33 Says

The spirit of the friendliness should be entertained with those who have experienced happiness, a feel of compassion towards those who are in distress, a spirit of good will towards the people who are in the path of virtues and the indifference towards the vice. This sort of approach helps to give rise to purity of mind and emotions. Purified mind attains single pointedness, eventually attains the serenity.



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