The Ineffable Nature of Our True Self – Starts With Science and Transcends Into Spirituality

by Emily Smith
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There is a natural inclining that every human being has experienced since we evolved.

This 'calling' is what we have always 'looked' in many ways during our evolution …

Right up to this current stage. We all naturally hear this 'calling' from within …

but without the Wisdoms to Understand the 'calls' …

our conceptual mind jumps right in and starts projecting it's ignorant ideas of how to properly 'Seek' this' calling.

Religions evolved from pre-historic to the middle ages …

but for the most part have been stuck there with deliberate traditional stubbornness. Completely entrenched in the 'mythic-literal' perspective and requiring a mandatory membership in the myth, magic and miracle clubs.

This non-transferring traditional glass ceiling has spawned an ever increasing ankle slide into modern atheism or at least agnostic mind sets. The problem though, with a tragic amount of these 'modern atheists' …

Is that a lot of them have 'thrown out the Spiritual Baby with dirty bath water of dogmatic,' mythic-literal 'based religions.'

Most people at some point or another feel there must be more to 'life' than what we are led … or mis-led to believe. Fed up with the spiritually defeating aspects of traditional church dogma, along with the churches' challenge to get these modern post-rational thinking people to abandon reason and embrace the non-Spiritual aspects of faith based on myth, magic and miracles … Most at best go on with this missing element rising up as sort of 'un-completeness' …

They replace their 'faith' in religion with the 'knowing' science offers.

I have found that by following science to it's edge … a Spiritual Path can be wandered into the natural paths of philosophy.

American philosopher Ken Wilber points out in numerous books he's written about the need for most theologies to transcend the archaic views from our ancient past and connect with the here an now … The current post-modern age.

However, the evolution of Spiritual Awakening and psychological Growth stages are such that no stage can be skipped …

So for someone that has not transcended the myth, magic an miracle club of most religions … then they will continue to have that limited and distracting perspective.

A lot of people in this post-modern society currently have a point to point that they simply can not buy into the much out dated myth, magic and medical based religions that practice a "judiciary prayer" methodology. More and more folks these days do require at least some reasonable explanation to the "faith" … because, most modern rational people these days do not want a 'faith' … they want more of a 'Knowing'.

The problem though, with a tragic amount of these 'modern atheists' …

Is that a lot of them have 'thrown out the Spiritual Baby with dirty bath water of dogmatic,' mythic-literal 'based religions.'

Those that feel there must be more to 'life' than what we are led … or mis-led to believe would find many common sense 'empirical' studies from the Zen, Tao and especially Buddhism; as these are more of a psychology than a religion. In fact, the Buddhist chiefly post at their temples that they do not engage in 'judicial prayers'.

Petitionary in the way so many pray for money, pray for fame, pray for their team to win, pray for their country to win the war … (by the way "our country IS God's country … just ask us) .

Some regions actually have particular 'Gods' for each petiolary desire 'one needs to pray and make contributions to … Where as a few select few only pray for guidance, wisdom and inspiration to "get' er done" themselves.

But by looking into Zen, Tao and especially Buddhism – particular the Noble Eight Fold Path, One will find many essential but easy to comprehend paths that all lead to a Deeper Understanding of our True Nature.

The 'Practice' does not require one to have 'faith' at all. The Buddha points out that mere 'faith' is not what one needs to understand the ineffable nature of 'Such things'. These concepts can not be put in mere words or especially in mythical stories …

One must experience the deep inner quiet and stillness along with the practices of Loving kindness, compassion, lessening our attachments, clinging to and grasping of things we want and the aversions to the uncomfortable …

The deeper one Practices this Understanding, the more meaningful the awakening in subtleness beginning to unfold into a "Knowing".

For me, this inspiration to seek such 'True Nature', was immediately sparked after reading a few Albert Einstein books. Beyond all his scientific genius, his writing of what he and other scientists could not empirically fully comprehend, such things that were beyond our known universe …

He wrote eloquently of the 'ineffable' … things beyond science …

He philosophically dipped his toes into Spirituality whichave me the scientifically intrigue to go Deeper. This reading subject led to Dr Michio Kaku, a string theory astrophysics. This opened up the possibilities of the human mind based on our own evolution to date, then making some scientifically researched projections of where our human evolution and the technical evolution will reasonable expect to find us in the future.

I then went on to read heaps of Ken Wilber books in which he takes all life starting from the Big Bang to the mess we have with our current challenges … ('Trumpism)' …

He points out how self-sustaining properties exist in things that 'transcend and include' … rather than dominate and disfranchise. From quarks, to electrons, atoms to cells … all the way up the food chain …

They all transferred and included.

Societies as well were more successful the more they transcended and include.

So far on this journey of 'Seeking', there is a scientific and empirical study with "The Theory of Everything" … Add to the mix, a study of human evolution and psychological development growth stages … Ken Wilber points out how we all 'Wake Up' Spiritually, and Grow Up Psychologically.

Then the next philosophic subject up on the 'so far just a scientific quest of knowledge' … Of course was to dip one's toes into the 'Spirituality' thing.

The 'Path' is individual and can start and remain in an empirical perspective as one learns more and more. With the practices of Buddhism, it is absolutely not about worshiping based on faith in myth magic and miracles. It is based in a common sense way of living and understanding life in a psychotically balanced rational perspective.

There are a lot of atheists that are very spiritual. I was a recovering Catholic, then naturally spent many years recovering as an agnostic / atheist …

Then at some point I transcended that perspective to an "empirically inefficient" perspective …

I started out somewhat on a path of scientific studies, which led to a deeper understanding of 'Life', the 'Way' of things and my True self with 'empirical similarities that were in common with more and more spiritual traditions … Zen , Tao and particularly Buddhism.

There is no myth, magic or miracles here … But in depth psychologically balanced methods to ease us from 'pain and suffering'. Ignorance is the main cause, ignorance of our true nature – or 'Soul's perspective'.

The other methods involve recognizing and overcoming behavior that is reflex reactions from our various egos.

And anyone who's ever had just a taste of anxieties would apricate the calming aspects of mediation; with is the perfect medication for the classic 'panic attack' …

But these meditational practices will go far towards calming us down enough to hear the subtleness of our inner silence. The ability to concentrate and focus allows one to be more mindful in their daily life.

There is no talk here of mythic Gods, there is a nod towards the part of us that connects with as One, from within …

This is an ineffective perspective …

Starts with science and transcends into ..




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