Using Webcasting in a Business Environment

by Emily Smith
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Anyone who has spent much time on sites such as Vimeo and YouTube has experienced the wonder of webcasting. Webcasting is a form of broadcasting where videos and audio files are streamed over the Web rather than over television or radio airwaves. Many businesses have leveraged channels on these video-sharing sites as well by producing and publishing both consumer-facing and private internal communications. While communicating with the public using online videos and webcasts can play an important role in your overall marketing strategy, webcasting is becoming extremely useful internally. Below are a few ways to use webcasting as an internal video solution.

Internal Collaboration

From sales and marketing meetings and virtual brainstorming sessions to inspirational chats and leadership from the CEO, webcasting is a powerful tool that can bring geographically diverse groups together. Webcasts can be held in real-time as well as archived for future viewing. Imagine your research and development team in New York showing your Los Angeles-based marketing team the latest prototype using a live webcast. Were you unable to attend the meeting? No problem, simply watch the webcast at your leisure.

Depending on which video solution your company uses, additional tools and features may be available. For example, some webcasting platforms add social networking features where employees can comment, chat, bookmark, or share favorite videos. Webcasting solutions for business allow users to create, access, curate, and share videos within the organization’s private social network.

Training and Development

Business webcasting can be used for training and development. Like a learning management system, a video solution could be used to deliver video-based training to those in need. With a webcasting platform in place, you could get more out of your best trainers. For example, instead of sending your best trainer to each branch office for training and racking up travel, hotel, and related expenses for an extended time period, you could hold a series of webcasts featuring that trainer. Not only could everyone within the organization benefit from the training as it takes place, future employees could access it as well. In addition, since the trainer doesn’t need to pack up and move to the next office after a session or two, you could create an entire series that digs deeper and provides your team with more extensive training overall. Meanwhile, everyone who participates in the training, whether live or at a future time, receives the same message, making for a more cohesive learning experience and more consistent internal direction.

Announcements and Public Relations

Businesses can also use webcasting to announce the latest news, launch new products, address investor concerns, hold advisory meetings, present research, and more. This type of webcasting can be either private, public, or by invitation only. For example, when you want to generate buzz about an upcoming product launch, you’d likely want to create a public webcast whereas meetings with investors or research presentations would likely be less publicized or sent to members of the scientific community.

These are but a few of the many ways you can use webcasting in a business environment. The more familiar your employees become with creating, accessing, sharing, and curating videos and webcasts, the more likely it will for more creative uses to emerge.



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