Forces Of Nature, Forces From You

by Emily Smith
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In life, there are two types of forces: Forces of nature, and forces from you. The forces of nature are from existence, or God themselves. But the forces from you are controlled by us, not from us. We have books and books of observations of the forces from God or existence, so I will write about the forces you and I control. In reality nature and God create all existence, that is why this article is forces of nature and forces from you. Think about the facts and even Sir Francis Bacon said that “nature uncontrolled fails”. The fact is that we must harness our lives to do what we need and want them to do, and we cannot depend on God to get us out of bed in the morning meaning God and existence create, but we must always work with it all or suffer the consequences.

So, think about this factor of reality: A force unused is like a prayer that is not prayed, it is just potential.

The fable of unused potential is a reality all throughout nature. Like the ocean without the plant to take out the salt and make useful drinking water to the river without a useful bridge to get to the other side of the river. Sure, I am all for conservation and reasonable use of resources. But, there is a point where people must develop themselves and “get out of bed in the morning themselves”, that means, we must use the forces from us, or suffer the consequences of “letting it all go”.

I remember my Dad said with a cigar hanging out of his mouth, lit, “you see this nail and you see this board, right? Without work and hammering, it goes nowhere except on the useless heap.” He was right about that and it illustrates what I mean by that Francis Bacon quote about nature unaided failing. Work and value are created and produced, not given.

After all, when you are in a car, the rubber always needs to meet the road or the car goes nowhere. Thought needs to meet action always or it stays undeveloped, a dream or worse. Sure, we can start with a dream, but action and combination of ideas always makes things and situations a reality. Sure, Rene Descartes said, “I think, therefore I am.”, but it should have been, “I think and act, therefore, I am”, and in that particular order, “I think and act, therefore, I am”. But every thought and idea has to start somewhere, and that somewhere is genuinely in the spirit, then it is in our heads and then it has to go from our heads to everywhere else in reality.



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